Sunday, April 19, 2009

White People with Blue Eyes

Two of my favorite singers, Kenney Chesney and Mac McAnally sing about "blue eyes on a Saturday night" in the song Back Where I Come From, written by Mac McAnally. My eyes are blue on Saturday night and are blue the rest of the time too. And I'm white. Brazil's president,I can't think of his name, said that white people with blue eyes were responsibile for the sad financial state of the world.

Now that's laughable and we should dismiss it automatically. Or should we? Were there those that flippantly dismissed Hitler's blaming his problems on the Jewish people, as some silly whining. Could there be real problems ahead for groups that don't fit into the so-called "New World Order"? Those of us who question whether or not global warming exists and is man-made are attacked. Those of us who believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder are also attacked. If you insist on saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays", you are labeled as intolerant of those who do not celebrate Christmas. If you disagree with our new President's policies of bigger government and massive spending increases, you are labeled a racist.

I can put a sign up in my front yard declaring that I'm pro-life, don't believe in global warming, and don't support our current president' policies and be confident that I won't be whisked off by the secret policy in the middle of the night to never be heard from again. However, what's to say that some who don't like my sign might just try to do harm to me in some other way? Could someone who doesn't agree with me do a background check and expose the number of speeding tickets that I have received, the amount of my credit card debt, my employment history, etc. Think about Joe, the Plumber. Joe asked presidential candidate Obama a difficult question and subsequently had his life out there for everyone to see. Yes, Joe had some skeletons, but certainly didn't deserve to have them exposed just because he askied Obama a touch question.

I like my blue eyes and I'm not about to purchase brown tinted contacts. But just think about what I've said in the above paragraphs. Could this be the begininning?

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