Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Never Thought I Would Witness Such Things

I swear I can't believe the direction that this country is taking. While our enemies do unspeakable things to our military men and women after taking them prisoner, we waterboard, play loud rap music, and keep prisoners that we capture awake for hours. Basically we make them a little uncomfortable. As a result of these forced interrogation techniques and other things, there has not been an attack on American soil since 9/11.

So now the "looney left" is calling for interrogation by the army field manual. According to Bill O'Reilly, the field manual calls for asking a prisoner questions is polite friendly manner. "Would you please tell us what you know about possible terrorists cells within the United States? I don't know anything about terrorist cells in the United States. Okay, thank you very much for your time."

Now the current president is leaving the door open to prosecute officials in the Bush administration for possible torture of military prisoners. This is chilling. I mentioned in an earlier post that I didn't think that I would be whisked away in the middle of the night for disagreeing with the current administration. Now, I'm not so sure that it won't happen in the upcoming years.

I really feel that I have to do something to turn back this tide. The current president won the election and has the bully pulpit. The democrats took the house and senate in 2006 and retained it in 2008. However, I'm not convinced that the majority of the American people want what we're now getting. If the republicans don't win back the house and senate in 2010, I really fear for this country's future.

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