Saturday, April 25, 2009


Since starting this blog, I've discussed a number of political issues that are presently in the news, but now it may be time to talk about ideology.

I firmly believe that a large number of people that voted for Barak Obama for president did not have a clue about his ideology. He is a democrat. He's also been dubbed as a socialist and even a communist.

What is a democrat? What is a republican? Most people on the street could not give you an accurate answer. It's very simple. Republicans believe that things/stuff should be handled in the private sector or the lowest level of government possible. Democrats, on the other hand, believe that government should take a bigger role and that we should have a stronger centralized government. There you have it, folks, that's it.

Do I want everyone to have health insurance and access to quality health care? I absolutely do. Do I think that the federal government should provide health care to its citizens? Absolutely not. Do I think that having a family leave benefit at work would be good? Yes I do. Do I think it's something that the government should stick it's bazoo into? I do not.

As Americans, we are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's all folks. This country was founded on the principal that government stay out of people's lives and allow the people to provide for their needs and create wealth. And with this freedom comes responsibility. To be honest with you, I would rather sit here and blog than what I do for a living. But I need the income that comes with my profession to provide for my needs. It's my responsibility to make sure that I have access to good health care and make enough money to feed, clothe, and shelter myself.

Of course we must have some safety nets in place to give medical care to those who are uninsured and provide food to those have nothing. In a civilized nation, people should not be dropping dead in the street.

If you have never thought about the difference between republicans and democrats, now might be the time to start. I really think there are more republicans in this nation than there are democrats.

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