Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Not about to say what year it was, but on the morning of my high school graduation I awoke with a temperature of 102. This was very unusual because this “healthy as a horse” seventeen year old never really got sick except for the occasional migraine headache. Rehearsal was later that morning and the ceremony was to take place that night. Even though I had a fever and didn’t feel all that great, I wasn’t bedridden by any means.

When I was pulling out of the high school parking lot after the morning’s rehearsal, I thought to myself, in a few hours, this part of my life is going to end. Two days later, I was to start summer school at the University of Alabama and I couldn’t wait. Bigger and better things were surely in store for this high school grad. I’m out of here!

After marching out of the school auditorium, singing the alma mater and doing the class cheer on the steps, I walked to the gym and turned in my cap and gown. I hugged a few classmates, but was anxious to meet up with Mama, Daddy, and some family friends. We then went to the house, had pizza, and I drank my first beer. Well, it was only a half beer. A friend of Mama and Daddy’s brought it to me. After everyone had left the house, Mama pulled me over and said, “Now Nancy, that beer tonight was okay, but don’t you make a habit of it. Your Daddy didn’t want you to have it all.”

Two days later, I was moving into the Tutwiler dormitory on the campus of the University of Alabama. I made lots of friends, went out with lots of guys, and discovered that I was a pretty good partier. I also had to change my study habits. How I studied in high school to make all A’s wouldn’t cut it at Alabama. Never the less, I did manage to get my degree in 3-1/2 years. I was also able to go to all of the Alabama football games, a love of mine that still continues and will continue until I am either too old to go to the games or too poor to pay the ever increasing ticket prices.

Let’s fast-forward to April 30, 2010, a Friday. I was planning to work a half-day then travel to Nashville for the Jimmy Buffett concert that was taking place on May 1, a Saturday night. I was in the garage putting my bags in the car when the telephone rang. Well, the only calls that I ever get on my landline are either telemarketers or the local charities wanting my discards; so I didn’t rush into the house to answer it. But when I got back in the house, the message light was blinking. Thinking it was a telemarketer or politician (it is primary season), I was poised to hit the delete button. I didn’t even check the caller id first. Well, it wasn’t a telemarketer or a politician. It was one of my best friends from high school calling to tell me that there was a reunion this year. She gave me the dates and the website that had been set up for information. She also kept saying that it was so good to hear my voice.

There was going to be a Friday night event and a Saturday night event. My first reaction was this isn’t gonna happen. On that Friday night, I had tickets for the Zac Brown Band concert and I wasn’t about to miss that. And I thought I had something to do on that Saturday as well.

When I got to work, I immediately pulled up the website. Classmates could upload information about themselves, including current pictures. A number of folks had already forwarded their information. I have to say that thoughts about the reunion and my classmates were with me during the weekend.

As it turned out, I actually didn’t have anything planned for that Saturday and could indeed attend the Saturday night function. After much deliberation, I decided to attend. Hey, I have a good job, good hair, and my looks are pretty much still intact. While not exactly brand spanking new, my comfy SUV is not an embarrassment. It’s go now or go never. Subsequently, I uploaded my information and a current picture for the website. Then I sent in my registration for Saturday night. I was officially going. All I had to lose were a few bucks and a few hours. I told very few friends about my reunion plans.

The Friday before, I was talking to a couple that were friends (the wife went to the concert with me) and saying that if I wasn’t having a good time, I’d just leave. My friends said just text us and we’ll meet you somewhere.

In spite of the oppressive heat and humidity that is so common to the southeastern United States in the summer months, my hair looked decent and I put on that a little black dress with lots of chunky silver jewelry and silver platform sandals. The dress for the occasion was casual, and black and silver pretty much transcend.

So, I got in my comfy SUV and drove a little over an hour to Cullman, found the place, parked the car, said a little prayer, and walked in. In just a few seconds, I was hearing my name called and lots of folks were rushing up to me to give me a hug. Two girls/women that I was in Sunday school with were some of the first. I soon found myself trying to talk to everyone and then I realized that I would be here for a few hours and there would be plenty of time. I went up to people and people came up to me.

The pictures were made and the buffet had been put out, but I really wasn’t that interested in eating, I wanted to mingle. I did eat, though, and the food was really good. My close friends will tell you that I’m not much of a mingler. I’ve even been accused of being a snob at times. Like my mother says, I’m reserved. But I wasn’t that night. Furthermore, everyone looked like they were having a great time as well. There were a few like me who were going to a reunion for the first time and I hope all of them had as great a time as I had.

One of the guys that I had been in church, kindergarten Jr. High and High School with asked me if I colored my hair. The Nancy of two hours ago would have said no and acted a little insulted. But this Nancy chose to tell the truth and say yes; it’s colored. I have the most strikingly dark hair that money can buy. Thank you Ginger!

Before I knew it, it was time for us to be out of the building and there were a few people that I hadn’t had a chance to speak to. I tried to get to as many as I could, but there were about five or six that I didn’t get a chance to speak to and I hope I’ll get the chance soon. I think I smiled all the way back to Birmingham. I knew there was a chance that I might have a good time, but I never expected this. I’m really looking forward to new old friendships. There was some talk about getting together this fall and going to one of our high school games. I’m definitely on board for that.

Am I sorry that I ignored the folks that I went to high school with for so long? Yes I am! I missed out on years of friendships, some of which were only an hour away. The only thing that I can say for myself is “better late than never”. There’s still plenty of time to cultivate and enjoy these friendships. Besides, we have FaceBook, Internet, email, etc. We can keep in touch with one another.

Previously, when someone would express no desire to attend their high school reunion, I would nod my head and say, “I hear ya.” Not anymore, I’m going to tell anyone with an attitude to please go to his or her reunion. Your missing out if you don’t. Just go to it!

Again, to the great folks in my high school graduating class, I love you. And to the Lord above, thank you for steering me back to Cullman to friendships that I came so close to missing.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I was blessed to have been born in the United States of America and have lived in this democratic republic all of my life. Living in a democratic republic means that our country’s leaders are elected and if they prove to be not so good at what they were elected to do, we vote them out at the next election. I’ve never really felt as though our freedom was threatened UNTIL NOW.

The three most powerful government officials, the current president, the speaker of the house, and the senate majority leader are far left democrats. There is also a democrat majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. The 2008 elections resulted in a 60-40 democrat filibuster proof majority in the U.S. Senate. This came about because far left Minnesota Senator Al Franken narrowly beat the incumbent republican senator after a box of ballots was found in the trunk of somebody’s car. Democrats seem to have a knack for finding votes when they need them. Of course the democrats no longer enjoy a filibuster proof majority with the election of republican Scott Brown who is currently filling the Massachusetts Senate seat formerly held by the late democrat senator, Ted Kennedy.

With the election of Senator Brown, one would think that the republicans could filibuster the senate and put a stop to all of this toxic, freedom threatening legislation that the democrats are cramming down our throats. But no, there is a little tool called reconciliation that will allow the Senate to pass certain legislation under certain circumstances with a simple majority. I won’t get into reconciliation because I don’t fully understand it. So, the senate is passing legislation with simple majorities.

When you pair all of the above with a far left leaning media, Anything that the far left wants to do, it can do. The far left, of course, believes that government can and should provide everything for its citizens. Generally being against capitalism and the free market, the far left believes in very extensive regulation of businesses and higher taxes for all. Just give us your money and we will provide for you womb to the tomb. This is, of course, is communism…”from each according to his ability and to each according to his need.”

I have no reliable source for this, but I have heard that there is a plan in the works that will allow presidents to serve an unlimited number of terms. Now a president is limited to serving two terms and that’s it. Once you have served your two terms, you can never run for president again.

Let’s just say the above happens and the current president can seek as many terms in office as he wants. Then we give amnesty to some twelve million illegal immigrants. Hey let’s not stop there, let’s now allow convicted felons to vote. These groups, of course, will vote democrat. When you combine the votes of former illegal aliens, convicted felons, folks that haven’t a clue about the issues, but vote for the current president because he’s half black, and the other folks in this nation that truly believe big government is the best way to go; you get an environment pretty much like the environment that has been created by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.

I know I’ve posted some things that are somewhat far-fetched. However, I don’t think the above is. Folks, this could happen and it could happen real soon. The republicans must get majorities in the house and senate. Then we have to take steps to undo the unpopular things that the Congress and the current president have crammed down our throats. We can’t let the beating we’ll take in the media stop us. With God on our side, maybe, just maybe, we can wrestle this country away from those who want to destroy the American way of life.

This blog, as simplistic as it is, has been picked up. As a result, there are links to it on some political sites out there. I laughingly tell my co-workers that one of these days I might not show up for work with no trace of my existence left. It happened in Venezuela, it happened in Germany, and it could very well happen here. We have to continue to nurture our democratic republic. Just because we live in a democratic republic, doesn’t mean that that democratic republic is invincible.

Friday, June 4, 2010


I’m watching the news and am really moved by the birds that are covered in oil from the BP Deep Horizon oil spill. These birds are fighting for their life. I then watch these birds being washed gently with hopes of saving their lives. If I lived closer to the gulf coast, I would be volunteering to do whatever is necessary to nurse the birds back to health. I don’t know if a layman like me would actually be allowed to handle the birds, but I would certainly be willing to assist in the process.

The birds, though, are not the only inhabitants of the gulf coast area. There are lots of snakes and alligators down there. Unfortunately, these animals are not ones that lay people should be attempting to handle. They’re also not animals that most of us like. I’m deathly afraid of them.

They are, though, part of the delicate ecosystems on the gulf coast and they can’t help it that they are snakes and alligators and not beautiful birds. Are the snakes and alligators able to “hunker down” and hide or are they just as vulnerable as the more attractive wild life of the gulf coast? All those creatures, loveable and cute, and not so lovable and cute, work together to maintain the ecosystems.

Let’s say we save a lot of birds, but a lot of snakes and alligators die. There are not enough alligators and snakes to eat the birds, resulting in an over population. Some of the birds die of starvation because there is not enough food for them. In desperation, they may enter your backyard and find the puppies that your family dog just gave birth to a tasty treat.

While it may appear that I’m trying to be humorous, I’m really not. The ecosystems on the gulf coast may be imbalanced for a long time. On TV, folks are seeing the birds covered in oil and tearing up. The snakes and alligators that are covered in the same oil are not portrayed on TV, but they are still important to the ecosystem.

This is just something we all should think about. What about the animals that are dangerous for us to handle, but are just as important to the gulf ecosystems.