Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nothing Else...

Those of you who keep up with current events are aware that a substantial portion of news casts and opinionated news programs are being spent on the Trayvon Martin killing case. Authorities in the town of Stanford, Florida had no probably cause to arrest George Zimmerman because the case appeared to be one of self-defense, pretty cut and dried. Zimmerman was eventually arrested when the United States Department of Justice, along with the White House, put pressure on Stanford authorities to do so. The case eventually went to trial where then jury found George Zimmerman not guilty. Now I’m not going to slog through the low level details of this case, it’s not the purpose of this post.

It’s what’s happening after the non-guilty verdict that has me concerned and it should have you concerned also. There have already been many rallies across the nation protesting the not guilty verdict of George Zimmerman, most of which are fueled by activist Al Sharpton, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and of course, the White House. In addition to the aforementioned, Reverend Sharpton is sponsoring rallies in 100 cities across the United States this coming Saturday, July 20. According to, there will be counselors at the rally here in Birmingham to administer to those attendees who are having trouble coming to grips with the verdict.

All of these people attending all of these rallies just for someone they never knew. People are killed every day in this country, maybe every hour; it’s a common occurrence. Of course, it's not anything to be proud of, but it happens; and when it does, we generally go on with our lives, shaking our heads and saying that’s ashamed. Having counselors at this rally is just bizarre.

Ever heard of Saul Alinsky? He was an American community organizer and writer in Chicago and is remember by most for his book, “Rules for Radicals”. According to, Alinsky developed a method of local organizing that was widely copied by democrats and influenced Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. In fact, Hillary Clinton’s senior honors thesis was an analysis of the works of Saul Alinsky and the effect they have on politics today. Barak Obama also had a passion for Alinsky’s work and before he left Harvard, he wrote “After Alinsky Community Organizing in Illinois”. Under the tutelage of an Alinsky admirer, John L. McKnight, Obama says he got the “best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School.”

Again, according to, Alinsky’s rules derive from many successful campaigns where he sowed the seeds of class warfare with community organizing, convincing the people that those of power and privilege were the root of all their problems. “Rules for Radicals”, according to Alinsky, was written for “have nots” to overtake the “haves”. His methods included, but were not limited to organizing the masses through appealing to their emotions, in other words, whipping up mobs for the purpose of assaulting the status quo.

What do we see that’s going on in this nation even as I write this? Al Sharpton and company are doing nothing more than “whipping up mobs” of those individuals who disagree with the not guilty ruling in the George Zimmerman case, playing upon their emotions. The individuals attending these rallies are sure to be plied with propaganda such as anyone who agrees with the George Zimmerman verdict and wants to put the matter to bed is a racist. What do you think the purpose of these rallies are? To mourn the death of a teenager that none of them know personally. Yea, right! No, the purpose of these rallies are to whip up the attendees, then send the attendees out into the communities to perpetuate these emotions. This is most definitely a tactic to divide the United States of America by whatever means possible because a house divided cannot stand. Just another method by which the leaders of this nation can continue their mission to destroy the United States of America as we know it.

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