Monday, August 27, 2012

My Thoughts on the Documentary "Obama 2016"

I recently saw the movie/documentary, “Obama 2016” at a theater near me. Before I begin to comment on the movie, I will disclose that I am a main-stream republican and a Regan conservative. I believe that “things” should be handled in the private sector or the lowest level of government possible. The government that governs least governs best. I further believe that individuals should be given the opportunity to fulfill their dreams without the burden of extensive government regulations, and should be able to amass wealth without having to turn over an oppressive percentage of it to the government. A rising tide lifts all boats. 

I don’t like the current President of the United States and there’s not one issue in which I agree with him. Although I was glad that he didn’t pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan the day he took over as President. 

This film didn’t tell me anything that I didn’t already know about the current president. Instead, the film confirmed what I already knew about him, but brought everything together from a different perspective. I’ve been scared about the future of this country for quite a while, and this documentary didn’t make me more scared. However, I consider myself very politically astute, opting to watch cable news instead of network television. As you can guess, my TV stays tuned into Fox News and I religiously watch Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. I also follow Rush Limbaugh when I can. So, there you have it; you can like me, hate me, or be indifferent to me. For those of you who know me, but disagree with my “politics”, I really hope you like me and know that I would welcome a debate with you on the issues at any time.

Dinesh D’Sousa, producer of this film and author of the book on which it is based, “The Roots of Obama’s Rage”, is from Mumbai, India. As a boy in India (born in 1961), young Dinesh studied about his country and the effects of colonization by the British on the Indian nation. Of course the Indian nation had become independent from British rule in the 1940s. Still, there were obstacles in India that would hold someone back from utilizing their dreams. 

Dinesh marveled at the opportunity that the United States of America offered and moved here; achieving fame and fortune. He even married a southern girl from Louisiana. I’ve heard him say that the fact that he wasn’t white was not an issue when he married Dixie Brubaker.

Well, back to the documentary, Dinesh approaches his conclusions about the current president fro a different point of view that most of have. He indicates that POTUS’ actions are the result of the dreams that his father had for ending all colonialism. Now most of us can’t identify with this, but Dinesh can, having grown up in India where independence from the British took place on August 15, 1947. Even though this was well before he was born, he certainly felt the effects of colonialism.

Unlike POTUS, Dinesh considered the USA the land of opportunity where hard work, dedication and perseverance can lead to prosperity. POTUS, on the other hand considers the United States of America the greatest occupier of them all. The entire world is a colony of the United States of America. The current president’s father was pretty much a communist and associated with like-minded people. And he was a fierce anti-colonialist. To fulfill the dreams of his father, POTUS’s dream is to put an end to the United States of America as we know it. Two ways of bringing down the United States of America include the extensive taxing, in some instances, at a rate of 100%; and the running up of debt. Well, he is certainly an advocate of high taxes and has certainly run up our national debt.

The above was pretty much the central theme of the documentary. POTUS has family out there that live in poverty, but that’s never talked about. He’s supposedly worth several million; so why doesn’t he try to help his family. We knew a lot about all of our presidents up until this one. The American people knew so little about him, but still elected him as their president.

During the campaign, I was particularly disturbed by his association with Bill Ayers, a radical member of the Weather Underground, who took responsibility for the bombing ot the Pentagon. Another association that surfaced in the documentary was that of Frank Marshall Davis, a Hawaiian poet and Marxist.

I first heard of POTUS during the 2004 Democrat National Convention. It was quite a dynamic speech and had the democrats slobbering all over themselves. I, on the other hand, was kind of disturbed. There was something about this man that made my antennae go up.

As I posted on my facebook page, POTUS is not portrayed in a tacky manner, the film is the result of the extensive research done by Dinesh D’Sousa into the current president’s background and gives insight into what this president wishes to accomplish. But no matter which angle you approach from, the outcome is the same. A second term with the president will render a country that is unlike anything we can imagine and all of our lives will be different from what they are today; and not in a good way.

I encourage everyone to make an effort to see this film. Whether you love this president, hate this president, or are somewhere in between, you should see this documentary. If you consider yourself a liberal/progressive and think that government should take a more active role in our lives, do you really want the United States of America to be taken down to that of a weak socialist nation? I don’t think you do.


















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