Saturday, August 15, 2009


I’ve indicated in previous blogs that liberals really think that we regular folks are stupid and therefore, we need them to run our lives for us. Our liberal government leaders, in their push to justify the massive resistance to healthcare reform, have accused those citizens, who are taking time to attend the attend the town hall meetings and make their feelings known, of being part of an organized protest effort implemented by right wing zealots.

I’m sure some of the folks show up because of an organizer and there are probably a few “right wing zealots” involved. But so what? Were there no left wing zealots involved in protests against Bush administration policies? Were those protesters not organized? Of course, they were. This brings me back to point. Liberals think we’re too stupid to think for ourselves and make decisions for ourselves. They think that we’re not capable of showing up at a town hall meeting asking intelligent questions, and making our feelings known, on our own volition. This is sad, but true.

There is much more prosperity in a capitalistic society that there is in a socialist society. However, in a capitalist society, there are going to be some have-nots, and generally these have-nots will be folks who just haven’t tried to be prosperous or don’t want to be prosperous. The point I’m trying to make is that there will be those who “slip through the cracks” and at one time or another most of us probably thought we might be slipping through the cracks. The bottom line is that more people are better off in a capitalistic society than in a socialist society where no one really wins. This can be a little tricky when talking to a liberal because a conservative might come off as callous. It can be done, though. Of course the liberals don’t seem to care about the possibility of folks having to wait six months for a hip or knee replacement or even chemotherapy. So, who’s actually callous after all?
My congressman, Spencer Bacchus is having a town hall meeting this coming Monday at a location that’s not far from where I work. Congressman Bacchus’ district is probably one of the most conservative districts in the U.S. and most of us do not want any part of healthcare reform or socialized medicine. So, I’ll be very interested in how this shakes out. Spencer, I mean Congressman Bacchus, is against this also. Will there be liberals attending who will confront Spencer or will he be preaching to the choir?

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