Sunday, August 9, 2009


As close as we’ve ever been in my lifetime. A democrat has been elected president and both houses of congress are democratic. Furthermore, the democrats hold sixty senate seats therefore making it filibuster proof. As a result, a united democrat party can put through anything it wants to and we Republicans can do very little about except try to educate the folks about what is going on and make plans for a vigorous attempt to get back the house and senate in the 2010 elections.

We are not actually a dictatorship because we still have free elections. However the disdain for their constituents by certain congressional representatives is truly reeks of a dictatorship. Elected representatives are supposed to be interested in the concerns of their constituents. These are the people who put them in office and these same people have the power to kick them out of office. Have any of the democrat elected officials from the current president on down ever considered the fact that the American people just don’t want socialized medicine? Do they even care? No, they don’t care. All the democrats care about is taking control over as much our lives as possible. That’s all its about and nothing more. I’ve expressed this in previous posts and will continue to express it.
Of course, the town hall attendees are being demonized and ridiculed by the democrats/liberals who are calling them angry mobs and accusing them of organized conspiracy. Both senators from Alabama are republicans and so is my congressman; and of course, they will vote against this. However, if my representative was a democrat, I would be the first at the town hall meeting and not hesitate to make my feelings known. I wouldn’t be beyond shouting. As someone who is not a senior, but realizes that it’s coming, I am concerned about healthcare as I get older. I’m also concerned about the almost assured rationing of healthcare. Should I become seriously ill, would the feds consider me a productive enough citizen to get treatment? As a conservative, I also don’t want to see the federal government grabbing 14% of the nation’s economy and putting it under its umbrella. Yes, turn me loose in a town hall meeting and I will be passionate.

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