Thursday, July 16, 2009


It looks like white males are under attack. Not long after I graduated from college, I read a quote from some publication that went as follows: “A woman has to do something twice as well as a man to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.” I love this quote and I’ve used it and abused it. I once worked in a small business unit where a co-worker was the manager’s pet. I used to think to my self that I had to do something twice as well as “blah blah” to be thought of half as good. And that was not difficult, believe me! It seems like Alabama has to do something twice as well as Auburn to be thought of half as good in connection with the sports writers in the state of Alabama. What woman hasn’t made remarks about being able to do things much better than a man. I’ve commented many times that if you want something done right, you had better get a woman to do it. You can sure tell that a man did this. I’m also sure that men say the same things behind our backs. I can remember some of the stuff that my Dad used to say. This is all tongue in cheek, of course. It’s banter between the sexes and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Supreme Court Justice nominee Sotomayor has had to answer many question with regard to her comment, “a wise Latino woman…”. I don’t know whether her comment was made “tongue in cheek” or not, but she would be smart to say it was, and that it was just “banter”. Then we could all move on to the real problems with her that have nothing to do with her gender or ethnicity.

Back to white males under attack, I don’t think that the “white people with blues eyes” comment made by the president of Brazil (I think that’s who made it) was harmless. Certain groups that are definitely under attack include white males, conservatives, and Christians. I fall into the white conservative Christian category. I’m also southern and like country music. Can you see Maureen Dowd and me doing lunch? I wonder if that woman ever has any fun.

I used to laugh and tell my liberal friends, and I do have some, that they better not be too anxious to do away with southern white conservative Christians. If we’re extinct, who will they have to poke fun at, because all other groups are “protected”. Ya’ll, I think we will continue to be demonized and degraded as time passes. Years from now, things might not be too pleasant for us, but I don’t intend to change. If you’re reading this and you fall into any of these categories, please don’t change either. We are the good guys.

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