I know the title of this post is a mundane one and something we’ve heard all of our lives. But please continue reading because I think you will find the following paragraphs very interesting.
The current president of the United States believes in big government and that this big government should reach into pretty much every aspect of our lives. He believes that the best way to go is to tax everyone heavily and then provide womb to tomb necessities for the American citizenry. He attended a church for twenty years where many sermons by the minister were distinctly un-American and associated with a domestic terrorist who was responsible for various bombings in the seventies, including the Pentagon, and today regrets not having done more bombing. His wife did not become proud of her country until her husband became the nominee for president of the Democratic Party. There is also some mystery surrounding his birth. In order to run for president of the United States, one must be a natural born citizen. The current president won’t produce a birth certificate. If he’s a natural born citizen, why doesn’t he just produce his birth certificate and say here it is, now let’s move on?
It’s unfathomable that the American people could elect such a person as described above to the office of the presidency. But they did! I know that not everyone is as politically astute as I think I am. A lot of good people just don’t pay any attention. Also, a lot of good people think that politics is a dirty business and that both sides are crooked. Therefore, no matter whom we elect, we’re screwed. A lot of people still get their news from the networks and newspapers. These media outlets do lean left, along with CNN and MSNBC. Because these outlets never reported good news from the Iraq war while putting the bad news on the front pages or as the main story lines. Many times during the eight years of president George W. Bush, there was good news about the economy that never got reported or got buried next to the obits. If I didn’t follow political happenings and only got my information from the networks and newspapers, I would probably have been disgusted with President Bush and the Republican Party in general. Therefore I might have been infatuated by a young man with a nice looking family who promised change. Another plus for this man may have been that he is half black. We haven’t had a black president and it’s about time we did. My point is that some good people may have voted for the current president because of his cover, not realizing what this man is all about inside.
Now that this man is the President of the United States, he passed a stimulus that he said was designed to jump start a sagging economy and create jobs. To date it has done neither and employment has gone up. Now the current president says that the stimulus package was designed to be effective two years from now and that unemployment is going to go up. The current president has also traveled to various countries, apologizing for the past actions of the United States. He apologized for the same United States that fought back the Nazis during World War II, the same United States that brought an end to the Soviet Union in the 1980s, the same United States that has pumped billions of dollars into the nations of the African continent for the prevention and treatment of the AIDs virus, and the list goes on.
Does the man that I have described above sound like an American president should sound? Of course not! I sincerely believe that the current president is un-American. He does not have the best interest of the American citizenry at heart and he does not want the United States to continue to be super power. Instead, he wants us to become more like a European socialist nation. He continues to ignore the fact that this nation was founded on Judeo Christian principles. He refused to participate in the National Day of Prayer and demanded that Christian symbols, such as the cross, be covered before he would speak at Georgetown University. What a piece of work, this current president is!
Because of all of the above, I think it’s so important that we talk to people about what’s going on in our country. I hope the TEA parties continue and attendance increases. I hope that the message can be gotten out that the direction in which this country is being taken by its leaders is a path to the destruction of the United States America as we know it.
Everyday I think about what can I do in Birmingham, Alabama to alert the good people of this nation as to what is going on with its leaders. My congressman and our Senators are going to vote against all of this stuff. I can contribute some money, but my current monetary situation will not allow me to contribute very much. Every little bit helps, though. I can also try to make contact with other people’s senators and congressman. I was actually able to email Ted Kennedy’s office a few years ago. I tried to email Hillary one time, but wasn’t able to do so. Only residents of New York were able to contact her. I can pray and I will.
If I were to suddenly become independently wealthy, I would like to travel to the blue states and just talk to people face to face. Since that’s not likely to happen, I will do what I can and hope ya’ll will also.
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