Friday, July 31, 2009


The following is from

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday ramped up her criticism of insurance companies, accusing them of unethical behavior and working to kill a plan to create a new government-run health plan.

"It's almost immoral what they are doing," Pelosi said to reporters, referring to insurance companies. "Of course they've been immoral all along in how they have treated the people that they insure," she said, adding, "They are the villains. They have been part of the problem in a major way. They are doing everything in their power to stop a public option from happening."

First of all, do any of us think that the government is going to treat the people it’s taking steps to insure any better that it claims that the insurance companies are doing now? If you do, that swamp land in Louisiana has your name on it. Hey, if you like your state’s DMV!

Two things scare me about the article. First of all, the speaker makes it more obvious than ever that she and her democrat cronies are just looking to snatch 14% of the nation’s economy and put it under the government umbrella. It’s not about creating a better more cost effective healthcare system and providing healthcare for those who do not have it. It’s about total governmental control. This is being taken step by step from the playbook of Hugo Chavez.

Now that the federal government is heavily involved in the banking industry and the automobile industry, and is roaring full speed ahead to take over the medical industry, do you think they will stop there? ABSOLUTELY NOT! They will then go after another sector of the economy, which brings me to the second thing that I am scared about.

I work for an insurance company, not a health insurance company, but a property and casualty insurance company. My employer pays me well and provides me with exceptional benefits and a well above average working environment. Since insurance companies are the villains du jour, I’m concerned that perhaps they might come after P&C insurers or life insurers next. If that happened, I would probably be out on the street along with the rest of the IT Department. The government would probably implement its 1980s state of the art systems to run the newly nationalized P&C insurance business.

I need to go…I think my breakfast is coming up in my throat.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


In central Alabama, July is probably the hottest month of the year. I don’t think August is quite as hot as July. In July we celebrate Independence Day and my mother’s birthday. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the period from July 3 to August 11 is known as “Dog Days”, the hottest, most sultry days of summer. A line in a song by the 70s group known as the Atlanta Rhythm Section goes, “the dog days are scorchers, southern torture.” When I think of dog days, I think of hot, humid, hazy days with afternoon thunderstorms. These thunderstorms pretty much always occur just when you are leaving the office and on days when you’re grass is getting a little high and you need to mow. Of course you can’t mow when it’s wet and the grass just grows more. The storms are generally short lived, and after they pass through and the sun comes out, steam can be seen rising from the asphalt, creating sauna-like conditions. Also, these storms are very isolated. It may rain like the dickens at work and when I get home, I haven’t had a drop; and vice-versa. It also might be raining at my house and not raining across the street. I work in a long building and I remember one time that it was raining at one of the building and not raining at the other. Also, by this time, we have usually had a few named tropical Atlantic storms/hurricanes. To date, we have had none.

While there have been some hot days this year, we haven’t had the day-to-day scorchers with the afternoon thunderstorms. We’ve had quit a bit of rain, but very few of the afternoon storms that are so prevalent during dog days. On the night before my Mom’s birthday, I was sitting out on my deck and it was slightly cool. For July, that’s a little abnormal for central Alabama.

What happened to global warming? According to “The Goracle”, the planet is getting hotter and we’re going to be toast by 2025 if we don’t quit driving our SUVs and do something about cattle passing gas. In fact, the term “global warming” is not used much anymore. Instead, the term “climate change” has been adopted. So a cooler than average July in central Alabama coupled with a very active spring tornado season is the result of overweight individuals, SUVs, George Bush, and the poor defenseless cows. While we humans do have control over our body weight and what we drive (we do now, but the government may be controlling that soon), cows have no control over their bodily functions.

Is the overall weather warmer now that it was when I was growing up? You know, it is; but it also now appears to be getting a little cooler than it was in the 90s. It used to turn cold for my birthday on November 4 (yea, I know about my birthday), but now it may be cool or it may be balmy. In 2005, we were running out of Atlantic hurricane names and had Katrina. Now, it’s July 29 and we haven’t had a named storm. The enormous number of hurricanes in 2005 was, according to liberals, George Bush’s fault. Well, the fact that this year is so different from 2005 and is a little abnormal is still George Bush’s fault along with the poor cows, overweight people, and SUVs.

After reading some of my earlier posts, I might be construed as an “angry white female”, Therefore, I decided to post something a little more comical and light-hearted. I hope you enjoy it and please remember to pray for our country and for our brave men and women of the armed forces.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


In the 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream that people would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. As a result, the color of people’s skin has never really mattered to me. Growing up and going to high school in Cullman, Alabama where no blacks lived, I didn’t know any. However, when I started college at the University of Alabama, I made many black friends. A substantial portion of the football team was black and skin color just really didn’t matter to me anymore than eye color or hair color.

Fast-forward to today and I still don’t care about the color of your skin, I judge you by the content of your character. Now there are some cultural differences between blacks and whites, and that’s okay. There are also cultural differences between those of us who live in the southeast and those that live in the northeast and other parts of the country for that matter. There are also cultural differences between states in the United States. For instance, in the state of Alabama, college football is huge and a very big part of our culture. So when we cross paths with someone who appears to not give a rat’s you know what about the Alabama/Auburn rivalry, we purse our lips and shake our heads. Again that’s a cultural difference between the state of Alabama and let’s say, the state of Georgia. While Georgia certain has the Georgia/Georgia Tech rivalry, it’s not as intense as the Alabama/Auburn rivalry and there are professional sports in Georgia that we don’t have here. The point I’m trying the make is that cultural differences do exist, but do they really matter?

I was watching Geraldo at Large on the Fox News where Governor Mike Huckabee, Ann Coulter, and Dr. Lamont Hill were his guests. They were discussing the now infamous Cambridge incident. Geraldo asked Governor Huckabee how would he react if he were a policeman being asked to investigate a call that two black men were breaking into a house. When conservative Governor Huckabee indicated that the skin color of the alleged perpetrator’s didn’t matter, liberal Geraldo balked.

It seems to me that liberals are the ones that are hung up on skin color. When the industrial canal levy broke, flooding the ninth ward in New Orleans following hurricane Katrina in 2005, many people who lived in the ninth ward and in surrounding areas were in peril. These were human beings, these were our fellow Americans, and for me, these were people that lived only a half day’s drive away. Then some liberal just had to make the comment that majority of the folks in peril were black. Then all hell breaks loose. The perceived slowness of the actions of FEMA was then blamed on the racist Bush Administration/Federal government. Then we started hearing that white people somehow deliberately caused the breach of the levy because they wanted to harm the black folks that lived in the area. There was no proof of any of this, but the liberals got by with the accusations. Of course, they were helped along the way by a left leaning media.

With respect to the Cambridge incident, it does not appear that there is any proof of racism on the part of the white police officer that responded to the call of the alleged break-in at the Harvard professor’s house. However, because the black professor accused the white police officer of racism, the white police officer is automatically guilty of racism. In other words, if you’re white and especially if you’re conservative, and someone decides to accuse you of racism, you are guilty of the same.

A black man that was a good friend of mine and passed away last year at a much too early age was working at his office one Saturday. The work he was having to do involved packing boxes and other manual labor tasks. Other folks were working also. However, on Saturday night, Sam found himself the only one left at the office. The last person to leave had mistakenly set the burglar alarm to go off when the door opened. When Sam was ready to leave and opened the door, the alarm went off. Sam told me that he stood there thinking “oh great”. I’m the only one here, I’m a black man that’s dressed scruffy, I didn’t bother to shave this morning, I’ve been doing manual labor all day, I probably don’t smell good, and the police are on their way. Well, the police arrived, Sam told them what happened and that he worked there. The police made their report and left. Sam then went home. When Sam was telling me the story, I asked him, just out of curiosity, what color skin the officers had, and they were both white.

The current president in his press conference on July 22 indicated that far too many blacks and Hispanics are stopped by the police because of racial profiling. I want some proof of this. I want some blacks and Hispanics to come forward and say that they were stopped by white police officers when they weren’t breaking any laws. If this is happening, I want to know because police officers should not stop you unless there is probably cause. Now if a brunette with long curly hair and blue eyes has robbed a bank and escapes in a dark red SUV, and I’m pulled over because of that, I’m perfectly okay with it. I’ll do what it takes to prove I’m not that person and be happy that the policemen are doing their jobs. Okay, you liberals, should I be offended and cry sexism? Should I anguish mentally for months or even years? Why wasn’t the blonde driving in front of me in the silver Mercedes stopped also?

Before I started driving my SUV, I drove a fire engine red camaro. When I bought it, I was told by my mother and others that I had better behave or I would get stopped. A little red sports car is a police magnet. Well, shortly thereafter, I was headed to the beach and was stopped in the little south Alabama town of Brantley. Was I going over the speed limit? Yes! Would I have been stopped if I had been driving a forest green Ford LTD? I don’t know! The officer was very young and told me that he hoped that he could afford a car like mine one day and to please be careful. Could the officer have been jealous of my car? Maybe. Could he have been an Auburn fan that hated Alabama? Maybe. But bottom line, I was very anxious to get to the beach and was speeding in Brantley. I paid the ticket and for months after that I really watched my speed while driving. Was I profiled in any way? I don’t know and it really doesn’t matter because I was speeding.

I have a good friend, a black woman that’s very into race and being black. If she goes into a McDonald’s and a white teenager at the cash register acts like he or she is not really into waiting on her, she gets all in a thither that the white cashier is prejudice. She will let it bother at her for the rest of the week and will make a note to never go to that McDonald’s again. On the other hand, if I go to a McDonald’s and there is a black teenager at the cash register who acts like he/she doesn’t want to wait on me, I don’t care as long as I get my food in a reasonable period of time, get to eat it, and get out of there and on my way to wherever. Do I care about the little teenager at the register and whether or not he/she is racist? NO! I wasn’t there for a fine dining experience, I just needed something to eat and quick.

If you don’t like the current president’s policies, you are a racist. If you don’t like collard greens, you are a racist. If you think the people of New Orleans were stupid for re-electing Ray Nagin as their mayor, you are a racist. If you think Joselyn Elders was a big embarrassment, you are a racist. If you like county music, you are a racist. If you feel that the death of Michael Jackson didn’t deserve the attention that it got, you are a racist. If you felt that the all of the adulation/praise that Magic Johnson received after revealing that he was HIV positive was not a good thing, you are a racist. If you think O.J. Simpson killed his wife, you are a racist.

At this point I’m very fed up with the fact that if you are accused of racism, you are a racist. You are guilty and all it takes is one little accusation. Next time racism is alleged against me or anyone else, I’m going to ask for proof. It's liberals who are the real racists in this country. I don't care what color your skin is and the way I treat you is not because of your skin color and pretty much all conservatives feel the same way that I do. Liberals are another story. Would a white liberal who doesn’t like collard greens be called a racist?

Saturday, July 25, 2009


We all know about the Cambridge incident where a black Harvard professor accused a white police officer of racism because the officer, while responding to a 911 call to report a break-in at the professor’s home. Well, it turned out that the perpetrator was the professor himself. When asked to show id to prove that he was the owner of the house, the professor balked and started yelling at the policeman, calling him a racist. The foregoing statements are a composite of facts heard on various news programs.

For some reason, a question was asked to the current president during his, July 22, 2009 press conference about the Cambridge incident, which was supposed to be about health care and the economy. The current president appeared to take sides stating that he knew the Harvard professor personally and opining that the police officer acted stupidly. It has been indicated that the current president took sides without knowing the facts. It has also been indicated that the journalist who asked the question was a plant.

Now that there has been so much publicity about this incident, the current president has invited both the professor and the police officer to the White House to have a beer, and kiss and make up. According to news reports, both have accepted.

The current president definitely stepped off into it. An appropriate response by the him might have been, “I don’t have all of the facts and know the professor; therefore, it would not be appropriate for me to comment at this time.” But oh no, the current president couldn’t let that one go. So, he went on a mini tirade about racial profiling by the police.

It looks like, in one press conference, the current president showed his disdain for doctors and policemen. Let’s face it, the current president has disdain for all law abiding citizens who are somewhat successful. Of course he loves those who are not capable of providing for themselves and have to depend on government programs to survive. Of course, these folks tend to vote Democrat.
Do I think the current president should be spending his time hosting a kiss and make up party for the Harvard professor and the Cambridge policeman. Heavens no! But wait! When he’s hosting this “touchy feely” party, he’s, at least, not doing things to screw up the country.

Friday, July 24, 2009


So many things have gone on this week making it imperative that I post some more of my thoughts.

I guess the most important thing that happened this week was the current president’s very lame press conference. This press conference was to be about the health care and the economy. Well, I counted ten questions that he took (Sean Hannity said it was eleven) with two of those ten not being about health care or the economy.

I tell you, his press conferences are very hard to follow. When he can’t use a teleprompter, he’s morose.

It was my understanding that this press conference was supposed to answer the many questions that Americans have about his proposed nationalizing of the medical industry aka socialized medicine. However the words of the current president appeared to be the same old rhetoric that he’s been saying for months. Socialized medicine will not add to the deficit; instead, health care costs will be lowered and therefore the deficit will decrease. Because all but about three percent of Americans will have access to the new government run health care, we should not worry about losing our health care should we lose a job.

When asked if he and Congress would be willing to go under the same plan, he “hemmed and hawed”. He said that he wanted the best health care for his family and would go into his pocket to see that they got it. He doesn’t want this for himself and his family no more than we want this for ourselves and our families. When asked about the rationing of health care under his proposed new system, he once again gave a lame answer indicating that under government run health care, physicians would only be allowed to treat a patient using the most cost-effective/necessary means. I think he used the red pill/blue pill scenario for this. If the blue pill costs twice as much as the red pill and the red pill was just as effective, then the doctor would be obligated to subscribe the red pill. He also said that the proposed plan would keep doctors from doing more expensive procedures when not necessary. I think this was the “tonsil” example. If someone’s doctor recommends a tonsillectomy for a chronic sore throat, this procedure might be denied if the real cause of the problem was just allergies that could be treated with less expensive medication. Sounds like rationing to me. It also sounds like the government will play a major part in making health care decisions for you.

I have talked to folks that say surely the government would not force something like this upon the American people. Surely, members of Congress wouldn’t pass such a bill if they have not read it. Surely, they will wait to vote. I then tell folks that not only do our country’s present leaders not care about the forty-seven million uninsured; but guess what? They don’t care anything about whether or not you have access to adequate health care. It’s all about taking 14% of the nation’s economy and placing it under government control. If our country’s leaders were really concerned about providing the best in health care for us Americans, wouldn’t they be more than willing to allow time for every congressman to read the bill before putting it to a vote? Wouldn’t they be willing to answer any and every question and respond to every concern that us Americans have about the bill? Well, they aren’t willing to do any of the above. Instead, Nancy Pelosi says to Congress, let’s go on ahead and vote on this, it’s a good bill.

We should all know the reason why this vote before summer recess is so important. Americans by the droves have indicated that they want no part of such a thing. Seventy percent of Americans are happy with their present health care and don’t want the government involved. When the conservative/blue dog democrats return to their homes, they will be getting an “ear full” from their constituents. Then when it comes time for re-election, they probably won’t get re-elected. So, Nancy Pelosi, the current president, and company plan to do a lot of threatening and intimidating to the blue dogs before they take their summer vacations, effectively throwing them under the bus. They’re in a lose/lose situation. If they don’t vote for the bill, their lives will be made miserable and perhaps some skeletons they may have might be exposed. And yes, I do believe that Nancy Pelosi, the current president, and Democrat leaders would do something like this in a heartbeat. If they succumb and vote yes, the will probably not be re-elected.

Again, this is not about the American people and what is best for them. It’s about the Democrats’ desire to grab fourteen percent of the nation’s economy and have the government run it. So, if you have a parent that is on Medicare and like dealing with it, you might not mind socialized medicine and you probably really like your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles.

Monday, July 20, 2009


It seems as though the current president has decided to come off of his directive that Congress pass a health care reform bill by the end of the month. Now he’s giving them until the end of the year. It looks to me like the current president may be stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he pushes the bill though early, people are going to be unhappy or even furious because most of our lawmakers will have not read a bill that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States, and that is sure to increase the deficit and perhaps bankrupt this nation. However, every day he’s loosing support for his totalitarian scheme to take over a substantial sector of the nation’s economy and further control the lives of you and me. It looks like it is lose/lose for him and I hope he loses.

Also adding to special day when we are celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the moon landing, The Speaker of the House seems to have changed her definition of “rich”. It was couples making over $350,000 per year. Now she may have changed those figures to $500,000 for a single person and $1,000,000 for a family. These are the unfortunate segment of our society that is targeted to pay for health care reform. As most of us know, San Francisco is a pretty expensive place to live and to visit. In fact, if I was living in San Francisco, doing for a living what I currently do now, and married to someone doing the same thing for about the same money, our combined salary could be around $350,000. In other words, this is middle class. I wonder if her office has been getting some calls.

How in the world did we elect such a bunch? Some of my friends and followers may frown at what I’m about to write. In the state of Alabama, the University of Alabama football team has historically been superior to its cross-state rival, Auburn University. While Auburn has had some success, it has pretty much been while the Alabama was having difficulties. For most of this young twenty-first century, Auburn has dominated as a direct result of the “nightmare in Memphis.” The NCAA handed down horrific sanctions to Alabama that included substantial scholarship losses. During the period when the probation/scholarship losses were affecting Alabama, Auburn seized the day, recruited well, and won. With this behind us, Alabama is getting its groove back. Can you say 36-0, 12-2, champions of the SEC West, the only team to come close to beating eventual national champion, Florida? And Auburn? I can’t remember their record, but they had a losing season and changed head coaches. Who is the world is Gene Chizik?

Back to politics, the democrats got elected and they are in power. They took back the House and Senate in 2006 and took the presidency in 2008. Most mainstream Americans believe that a government that governs less governs best. They also believe that “stuff” should be handled in the private sector or the lowest level of government possible. Most also want a strong national defense and adhere to Judeo/Christian values. Again, how in the world did this bunch get elected? I refer you back to the Alabama/Auburn analogy that I wrote about above. Auburn enjoyed success when Alabama was having problems. The Republicans lost in 2006 and 2008 because they had problems, appearing to lose their way and compromise their principles. With the mainstream media playing this up, folks decided that they wanted a change and voted democrat. So, the Democrats came into power because of problems, perceived or real, that were plaguing the Republicans. If Republicans will stick to their principals and if they don’t have any catastrophes, their fault or not, occurring under their watch, I believe they are elected every time.
It’s beginning to look like the Republicans have a chance to take back the House and Senate in 2010. The Democrats are being Democrats and mainstream America doesn’t like it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I know the title of this post is a mundane one and something we’ve heard all of our lives. But please continue reading because I think you will find the following paragraphs very interesting.

The current president of the United States believes in big government and that this big government should reach into pretty much every aspect of our lives. He believes that the best way to go is to tax everyone heavily and then provide womb to tomb necessities for the American citizenry. He attended a church for twenty years where many sermons by the minister were distinctly un-American and associated with a domestic terrorist who was responsible for various bombings in the seventies, including the Pentagon, and today regrets not having done more bombing. His wife did not become proud of her country until her husband became the nominee for president of the Democratic Party. There is also some mystery surrounding his birth. In order to run for president of the United States, one must be a natural born citizen. The current president won’t produce a birth certificate. If he’s a natural born citizen, why doesn’t he just produce his birth certificate and say here it is, now let’s move on?

It’s unfathomable that the American people could elect such a person as described above to the office of the presidency. But they did! I know that not everyone is as politically astute as I think I am. A lot of good people just don’t pay any attention. Also, a lot of good people think that politics is a dirty business and that both sides are crooked. Therefore, no matter whom we elect, we’re screwed. A lot of people still get their news from the networks and newspapers. These media outlets do lean left, along with CNN and MSNBC. Because these outlets never reported good news from the Iraq war while putting the bad news on the front pages or as the main story lines. Many times during the eight years of president George W. Bush, there was good news about the economy that never got reported or got buried next to the obits. If I didn’t follow political happenings and only got my information from the networks and newspapers, I would probably have been disgusted with President Bush and the Republican Party in general. Therefore I might have been infatuated by a young man with a nice looking family who promised change. Another plus for this man may have been that he is half black. We haven’t had a black president and it’s about time we did. My point is that some good people may have voted for the current president because of his cover, not realizing what this man is all about inside.

Now that this man is the President of the United States, he passed a stimulus that he said was designed to jump start a sagging economy and create jobs. To date it has done neither and employment has gone up. Now the current president says that the stimulus package was designed to be effective two years from now and that unemployment is going to go up. The current president has also traveled to various countries, apologizing for the past actions of the United States. He apologized for the same United States that fought back the Nazis during World War II, the same United States that brought an end to the Soviet Union in the 1980s, the same United States that has pumped billions of dollars into the nations of the African continent for the prevention and treatment of the AIDs virus, and the list goes on.

Does the man that I have described above sound like an American president should sound? Of course not! I sincerely believe that the current president is un-American. He does not have the best interest of the American citizenry at heart and he does not want the United States to continue to be super power. Instead, he wants us to become more like a European socialist nation. He continues to ignore the fact that this nation was founded on Judeo Christian principles. He refused to participate in the National Day of Prayer and demanded that Christian symbols, such as the cross, be covered before he would speak at Georgetown University. What a piece of work, this current president is!

Because of all of the above, I think it’s so important that we talk to people about what’s going on in our country. I hope the TEA parties continue and attendance increases. I hope that the message can be gotten out that the direction in which this country is being taken by its leaders is a path to the destruction of the United States America as we know it.

Everyday I think about what can I do in Birmingham, Alabama to alert the good people of this nation as to what is going on with its leaders. My congressman and our Senators are going to vote against all of this stuff. I can contribute some money, but my current monetary situation will not allow me to contribute very much. Every little bit helps, though. I can also try to make contact with other people’s senators and congressman. I was actually able to email Ted Kennedy’s office a few years ago. I tried to email Hillary one time, but wasn’t able to do so. Only residents of New York were able to contact her. I can pray and I will.

If I were to suddenly become independently wealthy, I would like to travel to the blue states and just talk to people face to face. Since that’s not likely to happen, I will do what I can and hope ya’ll will also.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


It looks like white males are under attack. Not long after I graduated from college, I read a quote from some publication that went as follows: “A woman has to do something twice as well as a man to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.” I love this quote and I’ve used it and abused it. I once worked in a small business unit where a co-worker was the manager’s pet. I used to think to my self that I had to do something twice as well as “blah blah” to be thought of half as good. And that was not difficult, believe me! It seems like Alabama has to do something twice as well as Auburn to be thought of half as good in connection with the sports writers in the state of Alabama. What woman hasn’t made remarks about being able to do things much better than a man. I’ve commented many times that if you want something done right, you had better get a woman to do it. You can sure tell that a man did this. I’m also sure that men say the same things behind our backs. I can remember some of the stuff that my Dad used to say. This is all tongue in cheek, of course. It’s banter between the sexes and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Supreme Court Justice nominee Sotomayor has had to answer many question with regard to her comment, “a wise Latino woman…”. I don’t know whether her comment was made “tongue in cheek” or not, but she would be smart to say it was, and that it was just “banter”. Then we could all move on to the real problems with her that have nothing to do with her gender or ethnicity.

Back to white males under attack, I don’t think that the “white people with blues eyes” comment made by the president of Brazil (I think that’s who made it) was harmless. Certain groups that are definitely under attack include white males, conservatives, and Christians. I fall into the white conservative Christian category. I’m also southern and like country music. Can you see Maureen Dowd and me doing lunch? I wonder if that woman ever has any fun.

I used to laugh and tell my liberal friends, and I do have some, that they better not be too anxious to do away with southern white conservative Christians. If we’re extinct, who will they have to poke fun at, because all other groups are “protected”. Ya’ll, I think we will continue to be demonized and degraded as time passes. Years from now, things might not be too pleasant for us, but I don’t intend to change. If you’re reading this and you fall into any of these categories, please don’t change either. We are the good guys.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner yet Wave?

“Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, o’re the land of the free and the home of the brave?” The last phrase in our national anthem is a question and I don’t think that it’s just a coincidence. I think this phrase was put in there so that we Americans, every time we sing the national anthem, will ask ourselves, are we still the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Are we? I can still put my thoughts down on this blog without fear that my door will be knocked down in the middle of the night and I will be taken away, never to be heard from again. I guess I’ve watched a lot of WW2 holocaust movies. However, can some liberal activist happen upon my blog and proceed to run a background check on me and expose any skeletons I may have? That could very well happen, remember “Joe the Plumber”. So, do I have freedom of speech? No, I don’t. I’m taking a chance when I post to my blog for all the world to see.

Do I have freedom of religion? As a Christian, my freedom of religion is disappearing. I can still go to church or not go to church, but I am subject to ridicule. Our current president refused to participate in the National Day of Prayer. Also, when our current president visited Georgetown University to speak, Christian symbols, including the cross were covered. What’s this all about? It certainly appears that our current president is not a Christian and does not want to be reminded that our country was founded on Judeo/Christian principles because he wants to change all of that. So, will we still have freedom of religion? For everyone except Christians, yes. For Christians, no. We are headed for persecution.

Do I have freedom of expression? Right now, yes. However, I fear that if I keep doing what I’m doing now, I will be stopped. What will happen to me? Who knows? Will I be taken from my home in the middle of the night and subjected to a slow, painful death? I’m not concerned that this will happen tonight. But again, some liberal activist may read this blog, do a background check on me and reveal any skeletons that I may have.

Do I have freedom of assembly? At the present time, yes. I attended a TEA party on July4. Nothing happened to me, but I’m of course called names, such as redneck racist. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

So, do I still live in the land of the free and the home of the brave? For right now, I still live in the land of the free. Do I still live in the home of the brave? Yes, our brave men and women are fighting in the name of freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan. Are the liberal pantywaist leaders of this country brave? NO. Are they poised to take us down to the level of a socialist/passificist nation? ABSOLUTELY!

Enjoy your day, because it won’t get any better. If the republicans are not able to take back the House and the Senate in 2010, I’m afraid we are doomed.

Monday, July 13, 2009

It's Closer than You Think

According to, former Vice President Al Gore told a British conference on the environment that the energy tax under the so-called cap-and-trade legislation in Congress would bring about global governance. Gore, whose film documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," on the claims of global warming won him praise from environmentalists, told the forum that Obama had secured billions of dollars from Congress for renewable energy work. But, “It is the awareness itself that will drive the change,” he said. “And one of the ways it will drive the change is through global governnance and global agreements.”

This should give everyone of us chills. It’s just the next step to a one-world government. We’re heading that way and I’m afraid that it’s going to be sooner rather than later. This one-world government will control every aspect of your life. Not only will it control your healthcare, it will control what you eat, what you drive, if you are indeed allowed to drive, what kind of house you live in, what news you get, and the list goes on.

Our country’s leaders, including the current president, the speaker of the house, and the senate majority leader do not want the citizens of the United States of America to prosper. They want to take this economy down, they want as many of us to loose our jobs as possible. When we loose our jobs and face financial ruin, we won’t have healthcare. Therefore, when the socialized medicine carrot is dangled in front of us, we’ll be so desperate that we’ll bite. We’ll then be willing to turn over everything we have to the government in exchange for health care and other necessities. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” And who decides our abilities and our needs…the government of course.

If you haven’t read the Book of Revelation, I suggest you do so.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Little More on Nationalized Healthcare

It’s been a week since I’ve posted something; and when I began writing this blog, I indicated that I would try to post something every day. Well, we know that’s not happening. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say. With so much going on in the world, there is certainly enough to post about, but I think I’ll talk about healthcare.

According to former Clinton advisor, Dick Morris, in a July 9 article in, the current president’s proposal for health care reform will repeal Medicare as we know it. Senior citizens, a group that currently has the best access to healthcare, will now have the least access to healthcare.

With the rationing of healthcare and the government making the ultimate decision on what procedures you can have or not have, could the government deny a sixty year old woman treatment for breast cancer in favor of a thirty-five year old woman. It looks that way. Could an eighty year old with a broken hip be denied therapy that would make him or her mobile again? Shortly before my Dad died, he had hip replacement surgery and had excellent therapy afterwards that allowed him to walk like he was twenty years younger. Would he have been able to have the same care under a nationalized healthcare system? Probably not, and he would have experienced pain and immobility for the rest of his life.

In his same article Dick observes the irony of the facts that the elderly hounded George W. Bush when he proposed changes to Social Security that would have no effects on their benefits, but are strangely silent about the current president’s proposed healthcare reform doing away with Medicare. AARP, the liberal senior citizens group has been silent. What gives with these folks? Of course we know “what gives” with this group who claims to look out for the best interests of the elderly. It’s the same thing “that gives” with NOW in not coming to Sarah Palin’s defense when she was so viciously attacked during her Vice Presidential campaign or in not coming to the defense of Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick when they alleged sexual harassment by former President Bill Clinton. It’s the same old double standard that we conservatives live with day in and day out. I get frustrated, very frustrated.

Because this southern white conservative Christian woman has no one to help her fight her battles, I’ve had to fight them myself and that is what has made me strong.

By the way, Senator Finestein, do something with your hair. That fifties “roller-do” needs to disappear and never be seen again. In the twenty first century, who does hair like that anymore? Maybe she does it herself. I might be willing for a few of my tax dollars to go to finding her a hair stylist that will give her a new “do”. Looking at her is really painful.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


On the evening of July 4, I attended a TEA party that was held at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Pelham, AL. It was quite an experience for me since I have not been politically active in a while. Was this a protest? If so, I think it may be the first protest in which I have ever been involved.

Protest or not, this was a great event and I hope that these events will continue and more individuals will take the opportunity to attend. The only review that I have read about the TEA party was on a local TV station’s website. This website indicated that several hundred had attended when indeed it has been over 3,000. The attendance was announced because it was anticipated that the press would downplay the event in any manner that it could.

Conservatives have an undeserved reputation of “being angry”. Not last night’s bunch! Everyone was smiling and having a good time. Sure the crowd expressed its angst at the mention of nationalized healthcare, the new energy tax recently passed by the house, our current president’s apologetic attitude when visiting European countries earlier this year, etc. There was one attendee who was carrying a confederate battle flag, but when he was asked to not display it, he complied. For a bunch if “red neck racists”, I thought we were a pretty sophisticated crowd.

Speaking of race, one of the speakers was a black man who gave an excellent speech, and at one point alluded to the fact that conservatives generally don’t care about one’s skin color, with the crowd expressing its agreement. Remember, these are conservatives that mostly live in the greater Birmingham, Alabama area. If there’s any TV coverage, what do you think will be on the tube, the one confederate battle flag, or the crowd agreeing with Kevin that conservatives don’t care about skin color? I think you already know the answer to that.

I’m looking forward to more TEA parties and I would definitely like to get involved in this movement because I’m very concerned about the direction that out nation’s leaders are taking us.