Thursday, August 19, 2010


For the last nineteen months, we have seen an attack on our freedoms by our country’s leaders. There has been out of control spending that has increased our budget deficits and the national debt to levels that will haunt our grandchildren and possible our great grandchildren. We see that our current president has indicated that the United States is not a Christian nation. The current president now says that it’s okay for a mosque to be built at ground zero. Further more, there are many proponents for Sharia law being adopted in the USA. I could go on and on, but you all know what’s going on here. Our current president appears to be an Islamic sympathizer as well as a socialist. Our country’s leaders want to impose their socialist/big government beliefs and principles on the American people. To their credit, the American people don’t want any part of this; and hopefully these leaders who choose to take us down claiming that the United States of America is a bad country will either be taken out or rendered impotent in the upcoming November elections.

Now I’m coming to the crux of this post. The federal government and our country’s leaders are doing some terrible things to the United States of America, as we know it. Can we take our country back and repeal these things the current president and our country’s other leaders have foisted upon us against our will. I believe we can, but we have to arm ourselves and be strong.

Michelle Obama has made one of her causes childhood obesity. Being obese as a child affects children in many ways. If you were obese as a child, you’re going to have the propensity to put on weight all of your life. You can diet and exercise and take the weight off, but it can certainly come back.

Before I started school, I was quite thin and picked at my food. I was a little bit sickly and had lots of stomach aches. My reluctance to eat made my family unhappy and I sensed this. I was told I needed to eat more. Well, guess what? I decided to do just that. If it would make the family happy and get them off my back, why not? So, I ate when I really didn’t want to and started putting on weight. Then when I became a chubby little girl, the family wasn’t satisfied either. To this day, I will never feel that what I do is right or good enough. Whatever I do will not be acceptable. Do I blame the family? Of course not! They were concerned about my well being and did what they thought was best. Do I blame my failures in life on this? No, I really don’t.

Childhood obesity can certainly cause problems, both physically and emotionally for the overweight child; and all parents should do their best to make sure that their children maintain a healthy body weight and stay in good physical shape.

But now, the feds are going to require that your BMI (body mass index) be a part of your medical records as well as you height and weight. These records will be accessible to the feds, so they will know if you’re fat or not by their standards. I’ve posted about this many times and I won’t re-invent the wheel. However, if you want the feds to stay off of your back with regards to body weight, perhaps we should all loose a little weight so that the feds will leave us alone.

While our country’s leaders were busy bailing out banks and automobile companies, many were struggling with credit card debt. To show that they were just as concerned about private individuals as they were about the large corporations, the feds implemented a program whereby they would assist you in paying off your credit card debt. Supposedly, if you have more than $10,000 in credit card debt, you could qualify for this government program. I never checked into the particulars of this because I was in the process of refinancing my house to pay off mine. I firmly believe that if the feds get their claws in you while you’re working with them to lower your credit card debt, they will never take their claws out of you. In other words, you will be a “marked” person and subject to federal regulations for the rest of your life. We bailed you out of your oppressive level of credit card debt; now you are ours. Could all of this possibly be a segway into the feds knowing about your level of debt and forcing you into their debt relief programs if your debt reaches a certain level? So, in addition to losing the weight, perhaps you should take steps to get rid of your credit card debt without fed assistance.

Also, a bill has been signed into law allowing for stricter regulations of financial institutions. As you know whenever the feds level new taxes and regulations on businesses, those businesses are just going to seek to find other areas to recoup what they have lost due to any new regulatory statutes. I was talking to a couple of friends the other day. One of those friends is a small business owner. She was telling me that even though you get you may get your deposit to the bank before 2:00 pm, your checks may bounce. In other words, in reconciling after 2:00, now results in banks clearing your checks before crediting your deposit. This can result in multiple checks bouncing because they didn’t add your deposit in before attempting to clear your checks. Banks are also being known to attempt to clear larger checks first so that they can bounce the checks for smaller amounts and charge those fees. So, I’m also recommending that well all keep a few thousand in our checking accounts as a cushion against the above.

So, three things that we can do to possibly keep the feds off of our doorstep would be to pay off or pay down drastically your credit card debt; maintain a healthy body weight, and keep several thousand in your checking account.

Now, the above are things that we all should do; but we should not be doing these three things because we’re scared for the federal government to find out that we may have problems with weight control, that we may be struggling with credit card debt, and living from hand to mouth with our income and expenses. If the feds were to find out about these things, they might try to help. Heaven forbid! When someone contacts you and says, “I’m from the federal government and here to help.” Run like hell!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Earlier this week I read a article that indicated that Alabama was the fifth most conservative state in the United States. The four that came in ahead of Alabama included South Dakota, Utah, Mississippi, and Oklahoma (I think).

Alabama has always been a very conservative state. As the current president says, “we hold onto our guns and our Bibles”. In the last forty-six years, voters in Alabama have only supported a Democrat candidate for president once. That was Jimmy Carter in 1976. I can go up to most people without even knowing them and say that we (the Republicans) have to take back the House and the Senate in November or the United States of America, as we know it is gone. I then can then indicate that we have to get rid of the current president in 2012. I have never had a stranger that I’ve said this to disagree with me. I do know some Democrats/liberals/current president supporters; and some of them I’ve said this to. They, of course, disagree; but it doesn’t take very long for me to argue them down.

Back to the title of this post…how would I fare as a resident of Massachusetts, California, New York, or any of the other predominately liberal states? Actually, I would probably be more politically active and maybe even aspire to leadership within the state’s Republican party. These states have some very strong Republican organizations. When I was a Young Republican, Massachusetts had some very outstanding Young Republican clubs. Would I get in trouble at times for expressing my opinion? Probably.

But I live in the fifth most conservative state in the country. As you can see from my picture and my profile, I’m a southern white conservative Christian. Several years back a friend of a friend who is very liberal, vacationed in the British Isles. When he returned, he indicated to me that he liked it because there were very few conservatives over there. I immediately asked him why he didn’t stay there. He then indicated that even though the southeastern United States was fully of southern white conservative Christians like me, he still liked it better here. I retorted that he had better think twice before wishing for us to be annihilated because southern white conservative Christians are about the only group you can make fun of and still be considered politically correct.

In connection with the gulf oil spill, I think the current president did set foot in Alabama, but I think most folks didn’t want him here. As I’ve said in previous blog posts, he doesn’t care about the gulf coast states. With the exception of Florida peninsula, we didn’t vote for him. So according to him, we’re irrelevant and useless, and that’s just fine with me.

My roots are in Alabama’s sod and I’m southern by the grace of God. I take pride in where I’m from and the in the values that are part of this state. It’s nice here and quality of life is very good. And it doesn’t hurt that our football team in number one (at least for now).