Thursday, September 2, 2010

Global Warming Rebuked Again

In an article linked by the Drudge Report to the New York Post online, the global-warming establishment took a body blow this week, as the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change received a stunning rebuke from a top-notch independent investigation. For two decades, the IPCC has spearheaded efforts to convince the world's governments that man-made carbon emissions pose a threat to the global temperature equilibrium -- and to civilization itself. IPCC reports, collated from the work of hundreds of climate scientists and bureaucrats, are widely cited as evidence for the urgent need for drastic action to "save the planet".

But the prestigious InterAcademy Council, an independent association of "the best scientists and engineers worldwide" (as the group's own Web site puts it) formed in 2000 to give "high-quality advice to international bodies," has finished a thorough review of IPCC practices and found them badly wanting.

In this article, several examples were cited such as the IPCC's claim in 2007 that Himalayan glaciers were rapidly melting, and would possibly be gone by the year 2035.

Global warming, now referred to as climate change in a lot of circles is probably the biggest hoax on mankind in the history of the planet. Al Gore and many other alarmists have insisted that "the debate is over," that the science was "settled." That claim is now in shreds -- though the grants are still flowing, and advocates still hope Congress will pass some version of the economically disastrous "Cap and Trade" bill.

About a year ago I was at some function or club meeting and commented that I would love to drive a Hummer...gas guzzling and environmentally challenged... just to spite the climate change alarmists. One of the folks that I was talking to said, "you're bad, you're bad". She was being good natured about it, though. I went on and she kept saying, "you're bad". Finally, I said, "I'm not bad, I'm good", and let loose about climate change and some other things. This lady then kept saying, "I didn't know that." She assumed without a doubt that the planet was warming and drastic measures had to be taken to save civilization. I told her to read my blog and do some research because there is definitely a strong credible other side; and she said she would.

This is Birmingham, Alabama, not Palo Alto, California, and still folks are duped about climate change. The mainstream media says it exists and so it must. I've run into a few other people who definitely believe there is climate change those that don't buy into it are somehow self-centered and think only of themselves.

Well, maybe this time we can "put a sock" in climate change and stop this viscious assault against the middle class that regulations to lessen the emmission of greenhouse gasses will surely bring. We have a long ways to go to get our country and our way of life back. Can we do it?

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