Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Never Thought Stuff Like This would Happen in America

It's been a while since I've posted and I said I would try to post almost everyday. The past week has been kind of rotten and I've had some distractions. Life's not normal right now, but I'm hoping that in the next week, things will settle down.

Conservatives, Republicans, those of us who do not agree with the direction that the current administration and congress is taking us appear to be in danger. When you express an opinion that is not in line with the current President's agenda, bad things may happen to you. At the same time, liberals, Democrats, and Obama followers can say and do virtually anything and get by with it. Because the mainstream media is in bed with them, they are not going to call them out or hold them accountable for what they say or do. This leaves Fox News, conservative talk radio, and some internet sites such as "Drudge" to attempt to hold the liberal faction accountable. However, when those of us in the conservative sector express our views, we are called liars and even labeled racists. And by the way, being a racist is worse than being a child molester according to the elites.

At the White House Correspondents' Dinner, or whatever it's called, that took place this past Saturday night, comedian Wanda Sykes said that she hoped that Rush Limbaugh's kidneys would fail, and the current president laughed his head off. Can you imagine the fallout, let's say, if Rick & Bubba said they hoped Al Franken's kidneys failed and Senator Shelby laughed his head off?

Things are happening daily that frighten me. What happened at the correspondents' dinner frightened me. When Chuck Schumer addressed conservatives declaring that the days of traditional values were over and that the U.S. foreign policy of the past is in the past frightened me.

I will admit that I've struggled some with the abortion issue and did some research regarding exactly when an embryo becomes a human being. My conclusion was that a human being is created at the time the sperm fertilizes the egg. In other words, I believe that life begins at conception and therefore should not be taken. In this day and age, you might be considered dangerous if you are pro-life.

Will we be able to take back our country? I pray everyday for God to give us the strength to do what's right.

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