Sunday, August 4, 2013

A story that didn't grow legs, but interesting just the same.

This past Monday, July 29, 2013, at a town hall meeting sponsored by the Wetumpka, Alabama Tea Party, with Congresswoman Martha Roby, an attendee posed a question to Ms. Roby in this manner: “What can you do to stop these communist tyrannical executive orders laid down by this foreign-born, America-hating communist despot?” The congresswoman answered the question by indicating that Congress was doing their best in their oversight responsibilities. In addition to being picked up by, this story was also picked up by and Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC. MotherJones is a liberal blog and we all know about MSNBC. The take by Andrea Mitchell and company on MSNBC was that Congresswoman Roby should have called the questioner down and indicated that his language was disrespectful to the office of the Presidency of the United States.

After reading the article on, I did some research, attempting to unearth some of the vile things that were said by liberals about President Bush while he was in office. About ten minutes of research produced a lot of quotes, most by Hollywood celebrities. The vilest that I came across was from Michael Moore (Surprise! Surprise!) Here is Mr. Moore’s quote: "I would like to apologize for referring to George W. Bush as a "deserter." What I meant to say is that George W. Bush is a deserter, an election thief, a drunk driver, a WMD liar and a functional illiterate." Now I know that worse things were said about the former President behind closed doors and we all witnessed were posters depicting his assignation, portraying him as a Nazi, calling him a racist, calling him evil, and characterizing him is so many negative ways.

Having said all of the above, was what the gentleman from Wetumpka said, in referring to the current President of the United States uncalled for, mean-spirited, etc.? Frankly, I loved it! But just because I loved it, doesn’t necessary make it right or acceptable. So, was it or wasn’t it acceptable?

The gentlemen from Alabama said some pretty damning things about POTUS. Furthermore, if someone threatens the President of the United States, that’s considered a crime. When threating the President whether you plan to carry out your threats or not, you’re sure to find a black sedan occupied with men in dark glasses outside your house. Then that black sedan may follow you everywhere you go.

This southern white conservative Christian from Alabama is of the opinion that the gentlemen from Wetumpka could have chosen his words a little better. I also feel that he could have made his inquiry by expressing concern over the many executive orders that the current president is implementing without the labeling. However, so many folks are frustrated and scared because they perceive that this president’s financial policies will put our future financial health in jeopardy, and I’m one of them. We’re also having concerns about what kind of health care we will have access to as we get older. When I was in my twenties and healthy as a horse, I wasn’t concerned about future health care; but after having a few things “go wrong” as I got older, I’m now concerned. There’s also a plethora of other things to be concerned about regarding the policies of the current president; things such as declining moral values (Sandra Fluke as a role model for women of child bearing age) and freedom of speech and expression. Sometimes the frustration just comes out, and with this gentleman it did and carried over to all of the folks attending the town hall meeting. Yes, his words were very strong, but I gotta be me, so I LOVED IT and I’m glad he said what he said.



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