Friday, July 16, 2010


There is a movement in this country to create a master race of slim, fit people. The wife of the current president is an advocate of stopping childhood obesity. On Mike Huckabee’s show several months ago, she expressed the desire to have grocery stores in every community selling healthy foods.

There is nothing wrong with having a healthy lifestyle including a good exercise and diet regimen. But having the government mandate that you eat healthy and exercise is socialism/communism pure and simple.

On this morning, there was an article indicating that new federal regulations stipulate that the electronic health records that all Americans are supposed to have by 2014 under the terms of the stimulus law that the current president signed last year, must record not only the traditional measures of height and weight, but also the body mass index, a measure of obesity. The law also requires that these health records be available, with appropriate security measures, on a national exchange.

In her desire to have a grocery store in every community selling healthy food items, is the current president’s wife advocating the mandating of private grocers to open stores in these communities and price their items so that residents can afford them? Or better yet, does she want to open government run grocery stores in these communities? Because these government run grocery stores aren’t concerned about turning a profit, they can be stocked with only products that the government thinks you should have, not necessarily what you may want. This all sounds like communism to me.

Now back to the requirement that by 2014 that everyone’s body mass index be a part of government record. What are the feds going to do if your BMI is not within acceptable levels? A few posts ago, I made up a fictional situation about the possibility that people would be sent to fat camps or fat farms with a number of my readers indicating that I was pushing the envelope.

Look at whom we elected as president, and look at his advisors. These people scare me as they should you. Some of them advocate the distribution of wealth and the rationing of health care. I really and truly believe that the scenarios outlined in my previous post could become true if we’re not able to take our country back in the November 2010 elections; and ultimately in November 2012.

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