Monday, August 3, 2009


On Greta tonight, a video clip was shown of a town hall meeting hosted by Kathleen Sebelius and Arlen Specter. Sebelius, of course, is Secretary of Health and Human Services and Specter is a senator from Pennsylvania, once a Republican, now turned Democrat. It was ugly! The attendees were outraged by the health care reform legislation that is being proposed by our country’s leaders and let Sebelius and Specter know it. Both had that “deer in the headlights look” and I loved it.

The American people don’t want nationalized healthcare and they are further outraged at the costs and that the bill is being pushed through without lawmakers having read it. As I said above, the town hall meeting with Sebelius and Specter got ugly and I suspect there will be more ugly town hall meetings. We’ve already had a protest by senior citizens outside of Diane (roller-do) Feinstein’s office in California.

The Democrats have the presidency and Congress with the numbers to push anything through that they want to push through. Do they care about the American people, both insured and uninsured? NO, they do not. All they care about is grabbing everything they can and putting it under the federal government’s umbrella. They just want total control over every aspect of your life. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” And the government gets to decide what to take and what to give.

I noted in a previous blog that insurance companies are now the whipping boys for our country’s leaders. Blue Cross Blue Shield is a major employer in the Birmingham, Alabama area and the current president and his cronies are out to destroy private health insurers. If BCBS goes down, this area will take a hit. Then if the current president goes after life insurers and property & casualty insurers, so many people will be hurt. It’s sinister and when I think about it, I get a knot in my stomach. What’s going to happen to me? I don’t know. What’s going to happen to everyone else? I don’t know. I don’t think anyone that works in the private sector is safe.

These people were elected to power and they will remain in power until at least early 2011. Our only hope is to fight against our current president’s policies tooth and nail and pray that the Republicans take back the House and Senate if 2010.

I’m sorry to be so morbid tonight folks, but our leaders have the numbers to do anything they want and their agenda is to totally control every aspect of our lives by transforming the United States of America into a weakened socialized country vulnerable to attacks by terrorists and rogue nations.

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