Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Take “6” alone. Then add “3” plus “9” and you get 12. Divide 12 by 2 and you get two 6’s. Could this leave us “666”?

U.S. troops have now pulled out of Iraqi cities and have turned over the protection of those cities to the Iraqis. This should be a good thing, but will it? Will violence escalate? Probably. Will the Iraqis be able to hold down the violence? I certainly hope so. Our American troops are waiting in the wings should they be needed. I have a feeling they will be.

In addition to issues in Iraq, we just had a terrible thing to happen here in the United States. Hate-monger, far-left loon, Al Franken has just been declared the winner of the contested Senate race in the state of Minnesota. How could anyone in their right mind vote for Al Franken, but it looks like almost half did. I don’t really believe that Franken won, but the vote was so close, and Franken pulled out all the stops to insure that he came out on top. From now on, I will do my best to avoid purchasing anything that would benefit the state of Minnesota. People who put Al Franken in office are idiots. I do buy Land O’ Lakes products. I will switch brands.

Not only do we have another evil person in the United States Senate, this could very well allow the Democrats to push through any of their anti-middle class, anti-family values legislation that they please. So, we could have our taxes raised astronomically with the energy tax increase just passed by Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives. Then, we could have our health care taken away from us with the nationalization of the healthcare industry.

What does this mean for us hard-working middle class folks? It looks like we will have everything we’ve worked for taken away from us. We’re loosing our healthcare just when many of us baby-boomers are aging and need good healthcare. I see us having nothing, and suffering greatly because we can’t get the healthcare that we need and have worked for all of our lives. I am concerned about the extent of the suffering that we may have to endure. A lot of people in my age group are dying. A lot of men are dropping dead as a result of heart attacks. In addition, a lot of folks are coming down with cancer and dying way to young. On both sides of my family, men die young and women seem to live forever. So unless I’m in an accident, I’ll probably live past 100. I’m not sure that I like these stats.

Keep this day in mind for this may be the day that ends the United States of America, as we know it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

People Everywhere Just Want to be Free.

Hip Hip Horray to the Iranian people. They're protesting what they believe to be a corrupt and rigged election.

I recall that some liberals questioned whether or not the Iraqi people were suited for a democratic style government. Former President Bush and Regan believed that freedom was right for every human on the planet.

The Iranian people on their own are protesting the re-election of you know who (I'm not going to try to spell his name). It appears that they desire a more western form of government. I'm so impressed with the Iranian people and I wish I had the means to assist them. When I see them being clubbed in the streets, I just want to cry.

Of course, the current President won't stand up for the Iranian people, but I will. These good people just want to be free and I want them to be free.

I want so bad to be able to take back our country and assist everyone one on the planet to be truly free.

What can a middle class female who needs her decent job do to take our country back and help to free those people who so desperately want to be free. do. I trust that God will show me the way.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The South Just Might do it Again

I made a comment on facebook that if we're to survive, the south just may have to rise again. After thinking things over, it might not be a bad idea. We would, of course, include red states that aren't technically "in the south".

First of all, I think we can call ourselves the United States of America and let them call themselves the Socialist States of America. We'll take the pledge and the national anthem because the Socialist States of America are trying to do away with them anyway.

We'll be lowering taxes on everybody and I mean everybody. As a result, corporations will be leaving the SSA and relocating to the new and improved USA. We're not about to nationalize health care, so we'll attract the best doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc. Majority of our military personel are from the south, so we should be able to take the military. SSA doesn't want anything to do with the military anyway. Also, we have oil down here and we'll drill for it.

We have lots of good food down here...friend chicken, barbque, homemade ice cream, and red meat. We believe that global warming is a hoax, so we're not worried about having too many cows that pass too much gas. We don't care what you eat. You can get pretty much what you want. We all enjoy a good reuben every now and then and there are places where you can get a Philly Cheese Steak. You can definitely drive what you want and we encourage you to make your carbon footprint as large as possible.

However, the most important thing that the new and improved USA will do is to keep God in our society. You will have freedom of religion plus freedom to worship or not to worship. We will be a Christian nation, but will be respectful to non-Chistians. School prayer will be re-instated and you will be allowed take you Bible to work and read it on breaks without harrassment. Marriage will be between a man and a woman.

We we will have the corporations, the best in health care, the military, oil, and Christian/Judeo values. What does that leave the Socialist States of America? Well, lots of government, smart cars, tofu and bean sprouts, and some institutions of higher learning. They'll still have Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame, UC Berkley, and others. Along with my Alma Mater, the University of Alabama, we have Ole Miss, the University of Georgia, Vanderbilt University, Auburn University, and others. (Can't believe that I'm acknowledging that these schools are actually good academically. We rule in football,though.) We'll run the commie-libs out of Duke and UNC and take over. We'll leave NPR to the SSA. The media will serve to keep our government accountable to its citizens and will be fair and balanced. There will be no such thing as the fairness doctrine. If you host a talk show and no one listens, you'll be off the air.

So there you have it, the new and improved USA will have lower taxes, a strong military, good health care, successful businesses, oil wells, limited government, and most importantly, God.

I should be pumped and ready to start forming the new and improved USA, so why am I crying?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Party Weekend

Yes, we republicans/conservatives do party. I went to Atlanta with a friend to see Mac McAnally in concert and to party with some Atlanta area parrot heads (Jimmy Buffett fans). Mac was fabuluous as usual and partying to the sounds of the great Jeff Pike and the A1A band on Friday night and after Mac's concert on Saturday night was awesome. If you don't know who Mac is, google him.

I'm very glad to be back home in Birmingham, though. I decided to move to Atlanta and get a job there after I graduated from college. We won't mention when that was. After living in Atlanta for about a year, I decided that Alabama was not really that bad and I wanted to come home. I was successful in getting a job where I would be re-located to Birmingham and to Birmingham I came.

After moving back here, I didn't make it to Atlanta that often and eventually lost contact with anyone I knew over there. After many years of only changing planes in Atlanta, I made it back to Atlanta in June 2006 for a Jimmy Buffett concert. I then went to Atlanta twice in 2007, once to see Mac in concert and once to visit a first cousin who lives in Dunwoody. In 2008 I went to a Jimmy Buffett concert and to the SEC championship game. All of these were pretty quick trips and virtually no sight seeing was done.

This past weekend was a little different because we rode MARTA downtown to see the much heralded Georgia Acquarium during the day on Saturday. I enjoyed looking at all the fish, but overall, the acquarium was disorganized and chaotic. Of course, there were tons of people there, with lots of kids that were running around all over the place. I doubt I'll ever go again unless they get some new fish that I can't live without seeing. Sunday morning before heading back to Birmingham, we decided to drive to downtown Atlanta. I wanted to see the building where I once worked and my friend Kay wanted to go to a market that she had seen on TV. Things have changed so much that it was so very difficult to just get feel for things and I just couldn't seem to get any kind of familiar feeling. We did find the building which is next to the downtown MARTA station. It was all locked up, but looked like it used to be some kind of residential building. When I worked in it, it was the main office of Georgia Federal Savings. Georgia Federal doesn't exist anymore, but I don't know the history. I suspect it was acquired by another financial entity at some point. I've lost all contact with the folks that I worked with. I know some of the older ones are probably dead. I'm going to try to establish a connection to that former life of mine, and I think I've located a man that lives in Colorado that may be the son of a man that I worked with. I just need to give him a call.

After I found my old building and took some pictures, we tried to find the market which is located on Auburn Avenue, yes Auburn. It took us a while to find it even though it was very close to where my old building was. When we did find it, it was closed. Oh well.

After this adventure, I was ready to head west. My favorite places in Atlanta are the I-20 West ramps. There's really nothing in the metropolitan Atlanta area that I can't live without. I would like to go to Stone Mountain, though. When I lived there, Stone Mountain was one of my favorite places. Other than that, I can't think of anything that I especially want to see.

I plan to visit Atlanta for Alabama's opening game against Virginia Tech in the Georgia dome. For that trip, I plan to do the same thing we did last year...drive to the first MARTA station, take the train to the dome, and take the train out when the game is over. After that, I don't know.

Monday, June 8, 2009

So Many Disturbing Things Going On

I just don’t know where to begin. Perhaps the most disturbing news item this week was Playboy’s article regarding conservative women. It's a piece by a New York writer by the name of Guy Cimbalo. Even though the article was pulled quickly, it’s still disturbing that something of its nature could be published by Playboy, probably the least obnoxious publication of its type.

If you haven’t already heard about the article, it is a piece where Mr. Cimbalo chooses ten conservative women that he would like to sexually assault. The actual phrase, sexual assault, was not used. Instead other more graphic phrases were used. Bottom line, Mr. Cimbalo would like to rape these women.

This is just too much and it scares me and I’m not ready to dismiss this article as something written by far-left loon. There’s just too much of this stuff out there. In five years are conservative women going to be subject to visits in the middle of the night? This is similar to the Brazilian president indicating that white people with blue eyes are responsible for the world economic situation. You can dismiss such as this, but when you hear so much, you have to wonder just what is coming out way.

I really believe that a time will come when there will be an all out assault against conservatives and Christians. Even though I live in the Birmingham, Alabama area, there have been times that I have hesitated to reveal my political affiliation because someone that I was with voted for the current president. Not anymore, though. I’m a Christian and a conservative and will always be proud and willing to voice my opinions.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Government Motors

In the year 2010, I get a notice in the mail from GM, Government Motors, telling me that it’s time for a new car because my 2006 Chevy Equinox is beginning to get old. In fact, I’m ordered to come to the Birmingham office of GM on a certain day and a certain time. On the designated day I pull up to the building, and a security guard checks my identification, waves me through, and directs me to an area for SUVs. I pull into a parking area and am met by another uniformed officer who tells me to take my purse and get out of my car. As soon as I get out of the car, a large crane dips down and picks up my vehicle and transports it to an area where it is immediately crushed. I had other stuff in my car I cry, but the uniformed officers tells me that’s too bad. It’s horrible enough that, for the last four years, I have chosen to drive an evil SUV. Maybe loosing some of my other belongings, especially my CDs by some of my favorite singers who happen to be white males, is what I deserve.

I’m dragged tearfully to a holding area where I’m told to wait for another Government Motors representative who will assist me with a new car, a car that is more suited to someone like me. I wait for about 2-1/2 hours before my name is called and I’m escorted to a small office where yet another uniformed person tells me to have a seat in his tiny office. First I’m told that I owe Government $1,000 because I chose to drive an evil SUV for four years. I reluctantly produce a credit card to pay this. I’m then told to go back to the waiting room and wait for someone else to assist me with a new car.

After about forty-five minutes my name is again called and I’m taken to see yet another GM bureaucrat. I’m told that the government has been studying my driving habits and of course they know that I’m single and live alone. Government Motors has thus concluded that I do need to drive to and from work, a journey of about 25 miles per day. They also concluded that I needed to travel to see my elderly mother in Cullman, Alabama about once a month. I won’t be traveling to Tuscaloosa, Alabama anymore to attend Alabama football games. You see, the federal government has decided to completely shut down all competitive sports. Competition is an evil thing, and teams such as the University of Alabama football team must be stopped from beating up on teams that are not as good as they are, which are pretty much every other college football team. You also won’t be driving to the beach anymore. We’ve decided those trips are completely unnecessary for folks like you, and the government knows what is best for you.

Finally I’m shown a picture of the car that the government has picked out for me. It’s orange with blue upholstery. I cry and tell them that I hate orange and pairing it with blue is unacceptable. Why can’t I choose the color of my new car? I’m told that I’m a bully. I’ve been known to look down my nose at Auburn University and even intimidate their fans. The Government has watched me. I post things about Auburn that are not too nice on the TiderInsider forum, and at football games I do the “Rammer Jammer” cheer. I must be punished and therefore, I will be driving an orange and blue car.

However, I’m then told that I can choose between having air conditioning or heating. It’s recommended that I choose air conditioning because this is the South and the summers get mighty brutal. So I choose air conditioning and then I’m told that this will cost me an extra $1,000 because I’m from a red state, a state where a majority of the voters did not vote for our current president in the last election. Also, the car is a two-seater because that’s all I really need.

The car is also a hybrid that will go up to thirty miles with an over night charge. It will also run on gasoline, but I will have to apply to the federal government for permission to purchase gasoline. I will need to apply at least four weeks in advance for permission to purchase a tank of gas. This tank of gas will take me about 150 miles. It’s about 130 miles round trip to my mother’s.

When I can’t take anymore, I start screaming all sorts of epithets about the government and this country’s leaders. I start running through the endless halls sweating profusely and I don’t sweat. What’s happening to me, and what has happened to the United States of America that I grew up in? And then I wake up all twisted in the bed covers. When I’ve gained some composure, I get out of bed, run to the kitchen, open the door to the garage and see my gorgeous ruby red Chevrolet Equinox with my Crimson Tide tag and decals. I give it a hug and pray to God (I believe I can still do this), asking him to please bless this country and to give me the strength and energy to do as much as I can to take it back.