Sunday, May 31, 2009

George Tiller

Late-term abortion doctor George Tiller, often called "Tiller the baby killer", was shot while attending a church service this morning. While his actions were within our nation's laws, the man was certainly despicable. While there are a lot of opinions on abortion out there, with some pro-abortion arguments being somewhat reasonable, the only plausible excuse for partial birth thrown out is, "it's necessary to save the life of the mother". I don't have children, but if I had carried a baby almost to term and complications developed to the point that it was my baby's life or my life, take my life and let my baby live! That's what love is all about, isn't it?

Killing this man was wrong and as of this writing, we don't know anything about the murderer. But it will be interesting to see how this plays out in the media. If the murder turns out to be an evagelical or a on the "far right", all conservatives will surely be demonized. If, for some reaon, the murderer turns out to be a liberal, nothing will be said. One thing for sure, this man will be made into an angel by the drive-by media. Of course, one has to wonder how an anti-abortion activitist would be portrayed under like circumstances.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day Everyone

Those that read my posts pretty much know what I think about the direction this country's leaders are trying to take us. However, I have the right to express my views and put them out there for everyone to see without fear because of the brave men and women who laid down their lives for the United States of America so that its citizens can remain sovreign and free.

So today let's pray for our troops, remember those were killed in service to our country and honor those who are alive and have served our country in the past. Thank you, thank you, thank God for you!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's all about taking over our lives!

When the Rush Limbaugh radio show began in 1988, I had friends who listened to him regularly, but I also had friends who didn’t care for him. A lot of the friends who didn’t care for him were republicans, but thought he was simply too right wing. I heard that he didn’t appear to care for women and minorities and often put these groups down and exhibited hate toward them. Because I was unable to hear him during his daily radio broadcasts as we were forbidden to listen to the radio during working hours, I never had an opportunity to listen to him and form my own opinion.

A few years after beginning his radio program, he had a TV program that was aired on one of the Birmingham stations in the middle of the night. So I decided to start watching this program by recording it and watching it the following day. After watching Rush, I found him to be a very knowledgeable and entertaining person. There was no indication that he didn’t like women and minorities. Sure, he talked about the radical feminists, but they only represent a small group of women. I’m certainly not one and don’t advocate their beliefs and actions.

Rush often said that the goal of liberals is to have the government totally control our lives, telling us what is best for us because we’re too stupid to make our own decisions. Liberals wanted to dictate how we spent our money by raising our taxes and leaving us with less money to so spend by making our own decisions. In addition to raising taxes, liberals want to tall us what to eat, what kind of vehicle to drive, how to raise our children, and the list goes on. At the time I didn’t really agree with this because I had liberal friends and they just believed that government should do more for people in the way of expanded welfare programs, national healthcare, etc.

However, over the years, I have found Rush to be very on target about this. Liberals do want to totally control our lives. They look down their noses at us and indeed think that we’re too stupid to make our own decisions. The current president has just signed an executive order requiring that motor vehicles including cars, trucks, and SUVs meet certain gas mileage standards by 2016. This will certainly put us middle class folks in smaller, less safe, and less comfortable cars at an increased price. As a result, driving will not be a good experience and we will surely drive less. Liberals claim that this is necessary to the survival of our civilization. With man-made global warming, we have to do something to curb our carbon emissions or we will be toast by 2025. Liberals claim that this is for the greater good of our civilization and how could someone possibly be against this. And by the way, if you don’t believe that the earth is warming and mankind caused this warming, you are a lowest of the low, a despicable moron.

Another thing that liberals strongly advocate is universal health care whereby you will be guaranteed healthcare by the government, but you will be told which doctors you can see and what procedures you can have. If the government denies a procedure to you, that’s it, you have no recourse. Currently, if your insurance denies a procedure, you have the option to pay for it yourself. As a result, we will be subject to health care rationing. People will surely suffer greatly and die while waiting on government health care. Liberals, though, tell us that it’s for the greater good and we should be willing to make sacrifices so that everyone has health care. If you’re against this, you’re a bad person who doesn’t want everyone to have access to health care. Again, this is just another way that the government is trying to control you life by picking you doctors and telling you which procedures you can have. With national health care, the government may very well control whether you live or die.

If you have watched any news these last few days, you know that the government is trying to find a way to pay for national health care. One of the proposals is to levy a tax on certain foods and other items that the government deems are bad for you. Some of the items that may be taxed include beer, burgers, hot dogs, sugary snacks, and other high fat food items. I even heard one talking head indicate that we should do more research on tofu.

As always, the liberals tell us that this is for our own good. We should, therefore, be willing to cut our consumption of these items, and when we do consume these items, smile as we pay more because we will be slimmer and healthier while funding national health care for the greater good. The government and the liberals just want to tell us what we can eat.

So I’m eating tofu and bean sprouts while driving my hybrid egg shaped car. Then I’m in an automobile accident and can’t get the medical procedures I need to recover. So I die after living a rather stark no-frills life. Maybe, just maybe, there will be unlimited pasta, cheeseburgers, and ice cream in heaven.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

I'm spending Memorial Day weekend in Birmingham and that's probably a good thing since the weather at the beach (Alabama Gulf Coast and the Florida Panhandle) is quite nasty with lots of rain and wind. Two years ago I spent the holidiay weekend in Gulf Shores/Orange Beach with friends and had a fabulous time. We did all of the things that one does at the beach...lying on the beach, shopping, eating, laughing, and going out at night. What was so special about that? Well, things just came together perfectly. I saw Mac McAnally in concert at Lulu's on Saturday night and heard Brent Burns at Tacky Jacks 2 on Sunday night. Mac, who has written number one country single "Down the Road" and sings it with Kenny Chesney, is now becoming a "household name". Brent's career is also taking off. I'm very happy for both of them.

I really think that weekend was so special because I had just gone through a rough couple of months. On March 14, 2007, I was laid off at work. The company that I was with was having financial problems and let about 1/3 of its staff go and unfortunately I was one of them. Then my mother who is elderly started having some health problems and was hospitalized. She lives in Cullman and I was having to divide my time between taking care of her and looking for a job. I never told Mama that I had been laid off because she didn't need to know that. To make matters worse, an aunt died and one of my best friends tragically died.

My aunt was old and had been sick for a while. However, the friend was just a little older than me. We met when we lived next door to each other in the Tutwiler dorm at the University of Alabama. Through Amy, I met her sister Sandy who was a year younger than me. Sandy and I ended up getting an apartment together with another friend and our season tickets for the football games are together. Amy was a very troubled individual with her many struggles in life arising out of an addiction to alcohol. She had been in a number of detox programs, but never would admit that she really had a problem and would always go back to drinking. She did a lot of things that I didn't approve of and at times I couldn't be friends with her. The last time she was in a detox program was around 2005/2006, and this time she appeared to have really kicked the habit. I was very proud of her and told her so. However, in early 2007 I suspected that she was drinking again. Then one Saturday night in March when I was dealing with Mama and job hunting, I received a call from a mutual friend of her sister's and mine telling me that Amy had been found dead in her apartment. Liquor bottles were on the coffee table. She had apparently passed out and choked on her own vomit. Was there anything that I could have done to prevent her death? If I had been a better friend would she have died?

Because the economy was good and I'm in a good field (Information Technology), I was able to get a job with an increase in pay, better job title, and with less stress. Mama got better. However, I was still haunted by Amy's death. She loved the ocean and her ashes were sprinkled over the Gulf of Mexico, something she had always indicated that she wanted.

My trip to Gulf Shores/Orange Beach that Memorial Day weekend was my first trip to the beach since before her death. Before I left town for the weekend, I wrote her a good-bye letter and had it laminated in plastic. I then dropped the letter into the gulf at the Perdido Pass bridge. During the weekend I came to grips with her death and knew that God was taking care of her. She's with her Mom and Dad, and she's also holding and loving that special little girl or boy that she never held or loved while on this earth.

So, Memorial Day Weekend 2007 was a weekend where I was able to put some unpleasant things behind me and emerge as a much stronger and hopefully better person. I cried a little and laughed a lot, made some new friends, and strengthened my relationship with some old friends. I also kinda had my fifteen minutes of fame during that weekend. I would rather not talk about that because it's one of the things that happened in Gulf Shores and I prefer it to stay in Gulf Shores.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Weather in Alabama

I know I said that I would only write on political topics, but I think this might be interesting, especially to those of you who live in areas where tornadoes are common occurrences.

Our primary tornado season in the deep south runs from early March to about mid-May, although tornadoes will occurr in most any month except June, July, and August (the hot summer months). We've had lots of tornadoes reported this season, although most of the storm damage, including the damage to my house, occurred because of straight line winds.

While those of us who are used to tornadoes accept them as a way of life, many folks who live in areas where tornadoes are rare seem to be in awe of these powerful storms. When I first graduated from college, I moved to Atlanta and roomed with a girl from New Jersey. Late one stormy afternoon when I got home from work, my roommate informed me that a tornado warning had been issued for DeKalb County, and she was all in a tizzy. I asked her where the storm was located and she didn't know. The TV was on, (Mr. Gore had already invented the internet, but we didn't know what it was, nor had we ever heard the term) and we were able to find out that it was somewhere in Decatur, well east of where our apartment was. I dismissed it and indicated that it wasn't headed our way. When Ruth asked me how did I know, I responded that I had lived in the south all of my life. Tornadoes come out of the southwest/west and occassionally out of the northwest, but never out of the east. Because there were tornado watches for all of the metro Atlanta area, I told here that one may form west of us, but that the one near Decatur would not affect us. I also had to explain the difference between a watch and a warning to her. She still wasn't satisfied. Then we got a call from a couple from the northeast who lived in a lower level apartment a couple of stairwells over. They were scared and asked us to come over. I was getting over a migraine (I tend to get them when the weather is stormy) and didn't feel that it was necessary to go over there, nor did I want to go over there. Ruth indicated that she would not leave me alone and really insisted that I go with her. I assured her that what to do and what not to do if a tornado comes had been pounded into my head since I was knee-high to a duck. I would pay attention, and if a tornado was spotted that might affect us, I would go over to Jean & Don's. She finally went over to Jean & Don's, and I laid on the sofa with the TV on. Nothing happened and she returned shortly.

Severe weather coverage has improved a thousand percent since then, but one thing no one ever talks about is the reaction of animals when severe weather, especially tornadoes are approaching. If you have a dog or a cat that's not so schizophrenic (don't know if this is spelled right or not), that it's scared of its own shadow, you can watch this animal and determine if there's danger. My cat, Twister, generally doesn't react to thunder, lightening, heavy rain, and wind. He just goes about his own business. However, a couple of Sundays ago when were were having stormy weather, a tornado warning was issued for a doppler indicated tornado that was located very close to my house. James indicated that if you lived in the Pelham/Helena/Riverchase area to go to a place of safety immediately. Twister was in the living room with me and when there was a low rumble of thunder, he looked up and immediately went to the master bedroom and hid under the bed. Like all true Alabamians, I stepped outside hoping to catch a glimpse of the funnel. I live on the side of a hill with lots of trees around, so I couldn't really see anything. However, it was gray-green outside and the feeling was rather erie. The doppler-indicated tornado passed over without dropping a funnel and all was well. There was danger out there, though, and my cat sensed it and hid.

The moral of this story your animals and see how they react. They have a sixth sense and know when there's danger around. Don't just blow off their reactions.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Never Thought Stuff Like This would Happen in America

It's been a while since I've posted and I said I would try to post almost everyday. The past week has been kind of rotten and I've had some distractions. Life's not normal right now, but I'm hoping that in the next week, things will settle down.

Conservatives, Republicans, those of us who do not agree with the direction that the current administration and congress is taking us appear to be in danger. When you express an opinion that is not in line with the current President's agenda, bad things may happen to you. At the same time, liberals, Democrats, and Obama followers can say and do virtually anything and get by with it. Because the mainstream media is in bed with them, they are not going to call them out or hold them accountable for what they say or do. This leaves Fox News, conservative talk radio, and some internet sites such as "Drudge" to attempt to hold the liberal faction accountable. However, when those of us in the conservative sector express our views, we are called liars and even labeled racists. And by the way, being a racist is worse than being a child molester according to the elites.

At the White House Correspondents' Dinner, or whatever it's called, that took place this past Saturday night, comedian Wanda Sykes said that she hoped that Rush Limbaugh's kidneys would fail, and the current president laughed his head off. Can you imagine the fallout, let's say, if Rick & Bubba said they hoped Al Franken's kidneys failed and Senator Shelby laughed his head off?

Things are happening daily that frighten me. What happened at the correspondents' dinner frightened me. When Chuck Schumer addressed conservatives declaring that the days of traditional values were over and that the U.S. foreign policy of the past is in the past frightened me.

I will admit that I've struggled some with the abortion issue and did some research regarding exactly when an embryo becomes a human being. My conclusion was that a human being is created at the time the sperm fertilizes the egg. In other words, I believe that life begins at conception and therefore should not be taken. In this day and age, you might be considered dangerous if you are pro-life.

Will we be able to take back our country? I pray everyday for God to give us the strength to do what's right.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

With so much going on, what do I post about?

Air Force One flew low over Manhattan for a photo-op scaring folks half to death. There are those who want to strip Miss California USA's crown because she believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman. The Vice President tells folks not to get on air planes, subways, closed in places, and so on and so forth to keep from getting swine flu, and yes I'm calling it swine flu. The folks running the United States government are the gifts that keep on giving. Also folks are wanting to know if being the President of the United States is enchanting or something like that.

What next?