Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A gynecological exam would be more fun than this presser.
I have a hard time paying attention to the current president's press conferences. I may just have to take notes the next time. He's paralyzed without a teleprompter. I imagine our enemies are laughing their heads off and thinking their next planned attack will come off better than anticipated. There is not one thing positive that I can say about the current president, not one thing. He might be fun to party with, but that's all. I'm with Sean Hannity, he gets an F- for his first 100 days.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Obama Administration Releasing Portions of CIA Memos
What is happening to our country, ya'll? The Obama administration is planning to release portions of CIA memos containing operational details of a CIA inerrogation program. This is one of the most horrible things I've ever heard of. I don't recognize my country anymore and I'm scared to death. This is only going to weaken our national security and put our troops in additional danger. I put my head in my hands and think...this just can't be happening, not in the United States of America. We apparently want other countries to "like us". Frankly, I don't give a "you know what" whether the European socialist countries like us or not. The should respect us and know not to push us around. I guess my values are just different from those that are leading this country.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Since starting this blog, I've discussed a number of political issues that are presently in the news, but now it may be time to talk about ideology.
I firmly believe that a large number of people that voted for Barak Obama for president did not have a clue about his ideology. He is a democrat. He's also been dubbed as a socialist and even a communist.
What is a democrat? What is a republican? Most people on the street could not give you an accurate answer. It's very simple. Republicans believe that things/stuff should be handled in the private sector or the lowest level of government possible. Democrats, on the other hand, believe that government should take a bigger role and that we should have a stronger centralized government. There you have it, folks, that's it.
Do I want everyone to have health insurance and access to quality health care? I absolutely do. Do I think that the federal government should provide health care to its citizens? Absolutely not. Do I think that having a family leave benefit at work would be good? Yes I do. Do I think it's something that the government should stick it's bazoo into? I do not.
As Americans, we are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's all folks. This country was founded on the principal that government stay out of people's lives and allow the people to provide for their needs and create wealth. And with this freedom comes responsibility. To be honest with you, I would rather sit here and blog than what I do for a living. But I need the income that comes with my profession to provide for my needs. It's my responsibility to make sure that I have access to good health care and make enough money to feed, clothe, and shelter myself.
Of course we must have some safety nets in place to give medical care to those who are uninsured and provide food to those have nothing. In a civilized nation, people should not be dropping dead in the street.
If you have never thought about the difference between republicans and democrats, now might be the time to start. I really think there are more republicans in this nation than there are democrats.
I firmly believe that a large number of people that voted for Barak Obama for president did not have a clue about his ideology. He is a democrat. He's also been dubbed as a socialist and even a communist.
What is a democrat? What is a republican? Most people on the street could not give you an accurate answer. It's very simple. Republicans believe that things/stuff should be handled in the private sector or the lowest level of government possible. Democrats, on the other hand, believe that government should take a bigger role and that we should have a stronger centralized government. There you have it, folks, that's it.
Do I want everyone to have health insurance and access to quality health care? I absolutely do. Do I think that the federal government should provide health care to its citizens? Absolutely not. Do I think that having a family leave benefit at work would be good? Yes I do. Do I think it's something that the government should stick it's bazoo into? I do not.
As Americans, we are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's all folks. This country was founded on the principal that government stay out of people's lives and allow the people to provide for their needs and create wealth. And with this freedom comes responsibility. To be honest with you, I would rather sit here and blog than what I do for a living. But I need the income that comes with my profession to provide for my needs. It's my responsibility to make sure that I have access to good health care and make enough money to feed, clothe, and shelter myself.
Of course we must have some safety nets in place to give medical care to those who are uninsured and provide food to those have nothing. In a civilized nation, people should not be dropping dead in the street.
If you have never thought about the difference between republicans and democrats, now might be the time to start. I really think there are more republicans in this nation than there are democrats.
Earth Day...Oh Big Woo
So, the 39th Earth Day was celebrated yesterday. I tried not to pay attention to the various Earth Day celebrations taking place. However, I do know that our curent president hopped aboard Air Force One to travel to an Earth Day speaking engagement.
Have you seen the Earth Day predictions that were made on the very first Earth Day in 1970? Well, they got it wrong. By 1985, the air was supposed to be so polluted that only half of the sun's light would be able to penetrate the polluted air. By the year 2000, the earth's temperature will have dropped 12 degrees and this could take us into an ice age. I could go on and on, but you can google it and read for yourself.
I don't know what's being predicted for this Earth Day, but I imagine that if we don't do something quickly, we're going to be toast by 2025. If we continue to drive vehicles powered by gasoline, especially those horrible SUVs, eat more beef, and put on weight, our civilization as we know it will soon end. We've known about cow flatulance being a major contributor to global warming for a couple of years now. A new theory is out there that indicates being overweight contributes to global warming. Because over weight folks tend to eat more, additional energy is expended in food production and therefore, a bigger carbon footprint results.
A good starting place might be to get rid of cows. But you know, the animal rights folks might now like that. Shouldn't cows have a right to live and do their thing? We shouldn't kill them to eat them. But if we let them live and multiply, we're going to have a bigger flatulance problem which accelerates global warming.
Looks like you animal rights folks and you environmentalists are going to have to fight this one out. Let us know what you decide.
Have you seen the Earth Day predictions that were made on the very first Earth Day in 1970? Well, they got it wrong. By 1985, the air was supposed to be so polluted that only half of the sun's light would be able to penetrate the polluted air. By the year 2000, the earth's temperature will have dropped 12 degrees and this could take us into an ice age. I could go on and on, but you can google it and read for yourself.
I don't know what's being predicted for this Earth Day, but I imagine that if we don't do something quickly, we're going to be toast by 2025. If we continue to drive vehicles powered by gasoline, especially those horrible SUVs, eat more beef, and put on weight, our civilization as we know it will soon end. We've known about cow flatulance being a major contributor to global warming for a couple of years now. A new theory is out there that indicates being overweight contributes to global warming. Because over weight folks tend to eat more, additional energy is expended in food production and therefore, a bigger carbon footprint results.
A good starting place might be to get rid of cows. But you know, the animal rights folks might now like that. Shouldn't cows have a right to live and do their thing? We shouldn't kill them to eat them. But if we let them live and multiply, we're going to have a bigger flatulance problem which accelerates global warming.
Looks like you animal rights folks and you environmentalists are going to have to fight this one out. Let us know what you decide.
Friday, April 24, 2009
It's time to comment on the Miss USA Pageant
The treatment of Miss California in the Miss USA pagent was obviously disturbing to me. Historically the questions that are given to contestants are supposed to test the contestant's poise and demeaner under a little bit of pressure. I was in a few pageants in my younger days; and in one particular pageant, I was asked a question about Rowe v. Wade. I'm sure the substance of my response pleased some and displeased some. I didn't win the pageant, and it would never have occurred to anyone at that time to attack me for my answer. Politics just was not a factor, and I'm entitled to my opinion and should not suffer for expressing it.
Some have tried to dismiss this incident saying that it's just a beauty pageant and it doesn't matter. Oh yes, it does! This is a situation where an individual was demonized for expressing an opinion. What's next? What might be in store for those of us who dare to disagree with the current administration and express our opinions in a public place.
And hey, where is the outrage among women's groups. Where is NOW? A woman was verbally attacked by a man (Hmmm). Aren't you gals going to come to her defense?
Some have tried to dismiss this incident saying that it's just a beauty pageant and it doesn't matter. Oh yes, it does! This is a situation where an individual was demonized for expressing an opinion. What's next? What might be in store for those of us who dare to disagree with the current administration and express our opinions in a public place.
And hey, where is the outrage among women's groups. Where is NOW? A woman was verbally attacked by a man (Hmmm). Aren't you gals going to come to her defense?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Charles Grodin on Hannity Tonight
I wasn't sure who this guy was so I googled him. He's in his 70s and looks good. Other than the fact that he's a liberal, there was something about him that annoyed me. So, after reading a little about him, I remembered who he was. He starred in the early 70s move, The Heartbreak Kid. I watched that movie not too long ago on late-nite TV. He was an a$$ hole in that movie. Then I recalled that he used to have a show on MSNBC in the 90s. This was before I could get Fox News with my cable company. He was the show and just set forth his opinions. He had a very condescending attitude and seemed determined to report on a "victim of the day". These, most often, were those who seemed to "slip through the cracks".
Just another far-left loon.
Just another far-left loon.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Never Thought I Would Witness Such Things
I swear I can't believe the direction that this country is taking. While our enemies do unspeakable things to our military men and women after taking them prisoner, we waterboard, play loud rap music, and keep prisoners that we capture awake for hours. Basically we make them a little uncomfortable. As a result of these forced interrogation techniques and other things, there has not been an attack on American soil since 9/11.
So now the "looney left" is calling for interrogation by the army field manual. According to Bill O'Reilly, the field manual calls for asking a prisoner questions is polite friendly manner. "Would you please tell us what you know about possible terrorists cells within the United States? I don't know anything about terrorist cells in the United States. Okay, thank you very much for your time."
Now the current president is leaving the door open to prosecute officials in the Bush administration for possible torture of military prisoners. This is chilling. I mentioned in an earlier post that I didn't think that I would be whisked away in the middle of the night for disagreeing with the current administration. Now, I'm not so sure that it won't happen in the upcoming years.
I really feel that I have to do something to turn back this tide. The current president won the election and has the bully pulpit. The democrats took the house and senate in 2006 and retained it in 2008. However, I'm not convinced that the majority of the American people want what we're now getting. If the republicans don't win back the house and senate in 2010, I really fear for this country's future.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Yes, I Know Jimmy is a Democrat.
Whenever I tell folks that I'm a big Jimmy Buffett fan, some say, you know he's a democrat. Yes, I know that. Most entertainers are. However, there are some exceptions in the country music sector.
Jimmy, as does everyone else, has the right to vote and support any candidate that he chooses. I knew about Jimmy's political leanings before I became an official "card-carrying" parrot head. Jimmy was in Montgomery, Alabama for former governor Don Siegelman's inauguration in 1999. I also think he played at the White House during the Clinton years.
Jimmy's political activism appears to be minimal. Most of his fans are republicans and he probably knows that. I'll continue to go to his concerts, eat at his restaurants, buy his CDs, etc. However, if Jimmy were to start telling me and other middle class folks how live their lives, I would probably quit following him.
If he starts telling us to get rid of our SUVs and drive a car that looks like an egg, hang our clothes out to dry instead of using an automatic dryer, or lower our thermostats and wear one of those huggie things; I just might have to find someone else to follow. I really don't think Jimmy will do that, though.
Jimmy, as does everyone else, has the right to vote and support any candidate that he chooses. I knew about Jimmy's political leanings before I became an official "card-carrying" parrot head. Jimmy was in Montgomery, Alabama for former governor Don Siegelman's inauguration in 1999. I also think he played at the White House during the Clinton years.
Jimmy's political activism appears to be minimal. Most of his fans are republicans and he probably knows that. I'll continue to go to his concerts, eat at his restaurants, buy his CDs, etc. However, if Jimmy were to start telling me and other middle class folks how live their lives, I would probably quit following him.
If he starts telling us to get rid of our SUVs and drive a car that looks like an egg, hang our clothes out to dry instead of using an automatic dryer, or lower our thermostats and wear one of those huggie things; I just might have to find someone else to follow. I really don't think Jimmy will do that, though.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
White People with Blue Eyes
Two of my favorite singers, Kenney Chesney and Mac McAnally sing about "blue eyes on a Saturday night" in the song Back Where I Come From, written by Mac McAnally. My eyes are blue on Saturday night and are blue the rest of the time too. And I'm white. Brazil's president,I can't think of his name, said that white people with blue eyes were responsibile for the sad financial state of the world.
Now that's laughable and we should dismiss it automatically. Or should we? Were there those that flippantly dismissed Hitler's blaming his problems on the Jewish people, as some silly whining. Could there be real problems ahead for groups that don't fit into the so-called "New World Order"? Those of us who question whether or not global warming exists and is man-made are attacked. Those of us who believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder are also attacked. If you insist on saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays", you are labeled as intolerant of those who do not celebrate Christmas. If you disagree with our new President's policies of bigger government and massive spending increases, you are labeled a racist.
I can put a sign up in my front yard declaring that I'm pro-life, don't believe in global warming, and don't support our current president' policies and be confident that I won't be whisked off by the secret policy in the middle of the night to never be heard from again. However, what's to say that some who don't like my sign might just try to do harm to me in some other way? Could someone who doesn't agree with me do a background check and expose the number of speeding tickets that I have received, the amount of my credit card debt, my employment history, etc. Think about Joe, the Plumber. Joe asked presidential candidate Obama a difficult question and subsequently had his life out there for everyone to see. Yes, Joe had some skeletons, but certainly didn't deserve to have them exposed just because he askied Obama a touch question.
I like my blue eyes and I'm not about to purchase brown tinted contacts. But just think about what I've said in the above paragraphs. Could this be the begininning?
Now that's laughable and we should dismiss it automatically. Or should we? Were there those that flippantly dismissed Hitler's blaming his problems on the Jewish people, as some silly whining. Could there be real problems ahead for groups that don't fit into the so-called "New World Order"? Those of us who question whether or not global warming exists and is man-made are attacked. Those of us who believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder are also attacked. If you insist on saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays", you are labeled as intolerant of those who do not celebrate Christmas. If you disagree with our new President's policies of bigger government and massive spending increases, you are labeled a racist.
I can put a sign up in my front yard declaring that I'm pro-life, don't believe in global warming, and don't support our current president' policies and be confident that I won't be whisked off by the secret policy in the middle of the night to never be heard from again. However, what's to say that some who don't like my sign might just try to do harm to me in some other way? Could someone who doesn't agree with me do a background check and expose the number of speeding tickets that I have received, the amount of my credit card debt, my employment history, etc. Think about Joe, the Plumber. Joe asked presidential candidate Obama a difficult question and subsequently had his life out there for everyone to see. Yes, Joe had some skeletons, but certainly didn't deserve to have them exposed just because he askied Obama a touch question.
I like my blue eyes and I'm not about to purchase brown tinted contacts. But just think about what I've said in the above paragraphs. Could this be the begininning?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I guess I'm an extremist and bear watching.
According to the Department of Homeland Security, I could be a right-wing extremist and might bear watching. According to a report issued this week, folks that are against abortion and immigration could be extremists. Well, I'm pro-life and against illegal immigration. The report also talked about our vets being possible extremists. Now folks, this is just chilling. DHS secretary Janet Napolitano tried to apologize on Fox yesterday morning, but as far as I'm concerned, it's too late for apologizes. If DHS can't manage to get a report out correctly, do you think they can be trusted to protect the homeland? I have my doubts.
The TEA Parties
I was unable to attend any of the tea parties that were held this past week on April 15. The one held here in Birmingham was not to far from my house, but I did have other things going on . I watched Sean Hannity in Atlanta and Sean had a feed coming in from various other tea parties, including Birmingham. I hated to miss this and hope to be able to attend future tea parties. I'm confident that there will more more.
Needless to say, the actions taken by the mainstream media in covering the tea parties, were very disturbing, especially the NBC coverage which used some vulgar terms to describe the participants. Let a bunch of gays clad only in jock straps, paint, and feathers parade through town and the mainstream media can't wait to salivate all over them and show support for this "much maligned in the past" group. On the other hand, let a group of hard working people come together to show concern about out of control government spending and the media types show nothing but disdain for them.
Needless to say, the actions taken by the mainstream media in covering the tea parties, were very disturbing, especially the NBC coverage which used some vulgar terms to describe the participants. Let a bunch of gays clad only in jock straps, paint, and feathers parade through town and the mainstream media can't wait to salivate all over them and show support for this "much maligned in the past" group. On the other hand, let a group of hard working people come together to show concern about out of control government spending and the media types show nothing but disdain for them.
I'm Really Frightened
Politics was not often discussed when I was growing up. I guess the reason for that, in part, was that I grew up in a mixed household. Daddy was a democrat and Mama was and still is a republican. It's generally the other way around. I think Daddy leaned more republican in the years before he died, but he would never admit it. I'm a republican or I guess I should say that I'm a conservative. These days, the two are not always hand in hand. Among some of the things that I'm frightened about include what appears to be an all-out assault on Christianity, the movements to make re-make this country in the model of a European socialist nation, the actions and steps taken to promote the redistribution of wealth, and the abusive actions taken toward those who dare to disagree with our current government.As a result ot the above, I'm really frightened by what this country may become as I grow older and what challenges I may face as a hardworking professtional who continually strives to do the right things.
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